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Keycommand to fully reset spidertrons
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:31 pm
by hyperious84
I would like to see an option to key-press-and-click a spidertron to remove all grid items and set all logistics back to empty.
What ?
The TL;DR pretty well covers it. I would like to see a keycommand implemented for Spidertrons that will remove all grid items (roboports, etc.) as well as clear all logistics requests. The end result would be a fully reset spidertron, exactly as if it had just been crafted.
Why ?
As it stands, you can shift-right-click a spidertron to paste in empty spidertron stats, and it's simple enough to remove grid items. However, I've noticed that if you copy logistics requests from one spidertron into another, any empty squares from the source don't overwrite existing squares in the destination. As a result, you don't get an exact copy of the source spidertron, just a weird chimera. It's also difficult to fully retask a spidertron with new grid and logistics when you first have to go through each individual spidertron and manually remove all the existing logistics. It becomes incredibly tedious when you're running a swarm of, in my case, 60 Spidertrons following behind my main one.