Unified Statistics Panel
Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:07 am
Rework the production stats + electric info panels into one single statistics window and extend+enrich the satellite launch counter window (total item until now, items per time[mec,min,hr, ...), user-selectable items).What ?
I really like that fact that with 1.1 the tips&tricks sections where unified in one system. The same should (in my opinion) applied to the actual two different stats panels (prod and electric). Personally I think its annoying to need to click to an electric pole to get access to the electric stats panel. Many time I cklicked on the prod stats button on top right just because my feeling routed me thereOMG, where is the satellite counter??? I just updated to 1.1 recently and noticed at this moment that it isn't shown anymore, I NEED it back!!!
With this in mind, I think the chance should takes to enrich the statistics panel with additional feature, like:
- Color picker per graph-line
- Different graph types (bar, pie, etc)
- Graph groups, to show selected graphs in own graph chart (sometimes its hard to "read" the graph line when all are in same windows, like at the moment and to better distinguish between different value ranges)
- Ability to zoom in/out
- Ability to select graph area to show (to zoom in to selected area, very nice for detailed analyzis)
- Maybe a pickable area of (for example) assembly machines to trace their throughput on stats panel
- Slider for time range, for finer adjustment (personally I feel the actual values a little bit rough)
- Due to missing satellite counter (WHICH MUST COME BACK!!!!!!!!!) this chance also should be taken, to extend and enrich its original state with user-selectable stats, to allow the user to select whats he wants to view. For example to view the amount of already launched satellites (as before) and to view the actual produced lab packs per minute
...and so on, please share your ideas