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Transparency/Alpha config option
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:00 am
by MF-
Hello. I am not a fan of eye candy and especially transparency.
It would be really nice if the opacity level was configurable in the UI. I would probably set mine very close to none.
Except for the electricity-info window, transparency looks nice there and does not cause any readability issues.
This could be also useful for visually impaired players.
Re: Transparency/Alpha config option
Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:54 am
by slpwnd
I understand your point.
The opacity of the guis is not generated programatically though. It is a background picture.
On the positive side we made the gui look moddable. The gui look is defined (except for couple of hardcoded cases) in the data/core/prototypes/style.lua. It is really easy to change the opaque background used for most of the windows. This is driven by the "frame_style" definition in the mentioned file. At the moment it uses graphical set starting at the position {0, 8} from our gui.png set. If you change this to {0, 0} then it will use the same graphical set as the buttons do - not transparent at all. Of course that this can be changed within a mod definition and you can also provide your own pictures with different opacity. The electricity gui will stay opaque because it is driven by a different style definition - namely "graph_style".
Re: Transparency/Alpha config option
Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:44 am
by MF-
Thanks, that looks way better.
The top part of electricity info became opaque, only the middle part is transparent. It looks weird. I guess I should disable that too, for consistency.
Where can I change the alpha of the "item tooltip" frame?
btw: I changed button_style.hovered_graphical_set.position to {0, 0} and it made navigating the menus way more bearable.
I was losing track of my mouse cursor in the background changes.
EDIT: That, of course, kills focus notification on in-game buttons.