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v1.1 should allow belt dragging locked or free form

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:02 am
by peternlewis
When dragging belts in 1.1, you can lock it to a direction, which is great much of the time, but if you start dragging perpendicular to the initial belt, it should allow free form belt placement.

What ?
The new belt dragging locked to a direction is often great, but sometimes you want to spam more belts in a more free form manner. Rather than adding another modifier option no one can remember, a good way to do this is if you initially drag in a manner parallel to the belt (ie, if the second belt placed is inline with the first belt placed), then the drag should be locked in that forward/backward direction (as is the default in 1.1).

But if the initial drag is perpendicular the the belt (that is, the second belt placed would be in a different line to the first belt placed, then the locking should be disabled for that drag, allowing freeform placement of belts.
Why ?
Particularly if you are filling in an area of a bus, being able to drag in a more freeform manner is often desired, but the belt directional locking is clearly a great benefit in the normal case. An alternative would be another modifier of some sort (since toggling the preference in the settings would be far too cumbersome for this use case), but this method would work much more generally than this and be fairly intuitive I think.

Thanks for your consideration.

Re: v1.1 should allow belt dragging locked or free form

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:21 am
by 5thHorseman
Yes very much I've wanted this many, many times.

The lock is FANTASTIC 10% of the time, a huge pain 10% of the time, and immaterial 80% of the time.

Those numbers are 100% made up, but at least 40% accurate. As are these numbers.

Re: v1.1 should allow belt dragging locked or free form

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:47 am
by ssilk
Very similar (especially the second part with the modifier):
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91538 1.1: Belt placement behaviour

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=84365 Belt placing improvements