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Optional smarter search

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:07 am
by imTheSupremeOne
Add additional optional feature, just like fuzzy search, but one that would show you a "Processing unit" on a search terms like "circuit", "blue". And so for "circuits" it would show you green and red aswell, and for "blue" it would also show you other "blue" things like "Express" tier of belts...

It's hard to memorize every exact name, especially in case like with Blue Circuits(the name making it feel more advanced, but it's not great for memory, and also you can't search for "circuits" and quickly find all of them).

It's also would be great to search items like a "Train Stop". Personally I always searching for "Station" and don't find one... This is the most common and frustrating search for me, and I even believe I'm really not only the one especially for case with Train Stoption.