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Make sorting order in statistic windows configurable

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:22 pm
by Cobaltur
Sorting order is not intuitive.

In the production and power statisics the items are listen form top to down and then to 2nd column.
If I have 30 power comsumer types what information I got form the 15th comsumer at the top of the second columns.
statistics sorting.jpg
statistics sorting.jpg (182.13 KiB) Viewed 760 times

logistics order
statistics sorting _network.jpg
statistics sorting _network.jpg (68.42 KiB) Viewed 760 times
More intuitive is to get the most signifant items at the top and the less signifcant items at the bottom.

Maybe there are people liking different order. But maybe it can be made configurable so more people are pleased.

furthermore I would also like to strip the bars away. They dont help me.
statistics details.jpg
statistics details.jpg (141.88 KiB) Viewed 760 times
What does tell me the 2nd bar. Ok it's the relative value to the top one.Here 60% of the the top. But not the relative part of the total consumption. Why are all values compared to the top consumer?

I would prefer 4 or 5 items in a row just with the values sorted from left to right and then from top to down (like in the logistic window)