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Make chat not dependent on the selected locale

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:51 am
by rkfg
This probably may be reported as a bug, I don't know. It looks like an enhancement/suggestion to me so I post it here.
For now if I want to chat in Russian I have to switch the locale to "ru" in game and all who want to read me should do the same or else they won't see the text, only spaces. But I prefer English UI because if something went wrong I want to report it so people understand what I'm talking about, English is a standart. Also, Russian translation is incomplete and partially illiterate ("улутшеный" instead of "улучшенный" is killing me).

So I'd like to either have an international chat that shows and allows to type any unicode chars (or at least latin1 + cyrillic subset) OR the separate settings for locale and the game UI language. The latter should be much easier I suppose, but the former is more flexible. I understand this is possibly a font issue, when I switch to Russian, the font looks differently. Anyway, I'd prefer to have a cyrillic chat and English UI. I suppose I can achieve this right now by overwriting data/{base,core}/locale/ru with the appropriate /en directory but it's a hack and would require doing the same with all mods.

Re: Make chat not dependent on the selected locale

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:26 pm
by LordFedora
I don't know about chat, that sounds really annoying,

But the translations are online and anybody can suggest changes (a bit of searching would give the address)

If something is annoying in the translation, you can suggest a change (^_^)

Re: Make chat not dependent on the selected locale

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:45 pm
by rkfg
I can help this, of course, but I prefer English UI regardless of the translation quality. The only thing that stops me is the chat issue.