MF- wrote:1. would create really bad feedback loops, possibly making everything totally unstable.
Even those SteamEngine <-> coal mine feedback loops are pretty bad.
Hm. In real power plant, it's a big problem to bring the hole process to work. The bigger it is, the bigger the problem. I think it should be part of the gameplay. But you are right: It makes it unstable. I have an idea to stabilize it:
How about having a "transformator"? It's used to split two power networks and delivers from network#1 to network#2 only, if there is enough energy in network#1 and too less in network#2 (= cannot deliver in both networks at the same time). Information shows also how much energy is deliverend in each direction. Maybe small flashes shows, in which direction the power is currently delivered. Transformators are available with the iron-working and needs much copper-cables and iron-plates.
By stacking transformators you can priorize energy-flow: First network is for the power plants, second is production and if then power is left it could go into condensator-array. Smart transformators can be used as "switch", using the circuit network to power on/off hole networks. "Diode Transformators" deliver energy only in one direction.
How cool could this be? You can switch on/off hole production-streets without wiring every inserter. Or you can switch on a production-street only, if you have enough power left. A transformator is maybe a must-have, if you want to deliver energy in multiplayer.
Candunc wrote:Hmm, how will that work now. Need water to make electricity, need electricity to make water.
Many possibilities:
1. A pump has a "minimum flow", even, if not powered which is enough to get the hole circle into flow (e. g. 10 pumps without electricity = 1 pump with). Maybe it's needed to cut the power lines to the production before restarting the hole cycle, if power has gotten too low. But I think this is a good game-element, when you include the transformator described above. And in real life for restarting a power plant very much energy is needed.
2. Add a "cole driven pump". I mean: This is the same like mining or inserters and just pure logic.
3. By adding water as new item in the game you can put water into pipes.
Additionally I would like to see not only the research-progress, I would also like to see the current state of the power-network (the one, which is most near by me).
In reply to wrtlprnft: I think making this as simple as possible should be an aim. I would add just as much calculations, that the behaviour has it's own logic and is more or less realistic. I think including the real behaviour of steam (expanding etc.) is a little bit too overengeneered.
In reply to Dakkanor: % of max. Temp. is a good idea. Real temperatures are just T * multiplicator + constant.
In reply to kovarex: As said above it should be just so realistic, that the gameplay wins, not looses. This means, that it's not needed to know the real temperature and pressure. But I think the player should get a "feeling" about how this works. He sees "Oh, this is not maximum, how could I get this to max; ah, when I try to maximize this, it lowers that...".