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Sort server list by first visible non-punctuation character

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:55 pm
by Hornwitser
Something that annoys me to no end is that the name sorting in the online server list goes blindly by character. This means that if the server name wants to start with colored text or an icon it's going to appear at the bottom of the list because [ is after the basic latin characters in the sort order. Another consequence of this naive sorting is that if the server name starts with a space it's going to be hoisted to the top of the list as space comes before all the other characters (which is something about 40 or so servers are currently doing!)

It would be much more preferable if the sort order ignored tags, such that "[color=1,0,0]RedMew[/color]" appeared under R instead of at the bottom of the list, and that it would ignore all punctuation so that names like "[EU] Railworld" would appeared under E (and I really mean all punctuation, see the 7 punctuation categories of Unicode.) And obviously it should also ignore leading spaces.

Re: Sort server list by first visible non-punctuation character

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:14 am
by ssilk
... off topic: which leads me to the quite philosophical question if :lol: is bigger than :) or ;)