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load limitation

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 10:21 am
by biggieboy
Hi guys!

This is my plan:


But my problem, the inserter start loading the boilers, when its only 5 coal in boilers. And everytime the firsts boilers its empty. Is it possible change the 5 coal limitation to 20-30 or maximum 50?

Thank you!

(Sorry my bad english, im Hungarian)

Re: load limitation

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:14 am
by JimBarracus
Only solution: faster inserters
this setup is very limited, you cant row up many boilers and keep them stocked for a long time

Re: load limitation

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:55 pm
by Darinth
Even if the coal limit was completely removed, it wouldn't fix the problem. This is an issue where a single inserter is trying to feed in enough coal to power many boilers; it's a throughput issue. This setup simply won't work for any longer chain. Faster inserters can get it working much better, but this setup can't work no matter what for longer lines.

I'd recommend removing the steam line and steam storage, it's only actually useful when dealing with nuclear because nuclear reactors don't throttle themselves back to deal with demand. Nuclear reactors get fuel and they go full speed until that fuel is depleted. Boilers will automatically reduce their fuel usage when they don't need to produce as much steam. With those removed, you can move the boilers away from each other, giving you two lines between them. That's enough to snake a belt zig-zag between them and leave enough room to put inserters on the inside.

Unless I'm forgetting something (which i probably am) you should be able to get a much more compact setup with something like this:
Annotation 2019-07-26 095347.png
Annotation 2019-07-26 095347.png (8.58 KiB) Viewed 1641 times
Sadly, the need for power poles still limits just how compact this design can be. Stupid power poles!

Re: load limitation

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:49 pm
by steinio
Space the boilers out a bit and place inserter > chest > inserter inbetween. One slot limit should be okish imho.