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GG's Starlog 2 - Supply Lines

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am
by GG Cannon
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Entry Number: 2 - [Creation: 19/04/2019 || Last update: 25/04/2019]
                                               Supply Lines
+Repeat Logistics Missions
Logistics bots assume closest "pick up mission" in place of farther away bots, freeing them from their current assignment to do something close right after a "deliver mission" and gives preference to repeat the same mission it just fulfilled if its still available again or a similar one close to where it currently is becoming semi-permanent to that/those

+Permanent Missions
if a delivery requests is very routinely done on repeat by a semi-permanent bots enough times in a row, e.g. pick Iron Plates in point A and drop in this machine in point B, if there are enough logistics bots on the network, a few may be assigned permanently to fulfill only that supply line again and again, after a certain value, becoming semi-permanent when its fulfilled taking on missions preferably as close to its fixed assignment as possible and dropping whatever they are doing or assigning a substitute that is close enough and free in order to fulfill their main mission.
  • Player can manually add a robot as a permanent to certain supply lines by grabbing a logistics robot from inventory and clicking a requester or buffer chest. Permanent supply line bots will also take on identical requests that are close to their original permanent request.
  • A single robot can take on up to 2 connected permanent supply lines e.g. drop iron ore at smelter's requester chest and then picking up the iron plate to go to their main supply line to deliver at an Assembly Machine's requester/buffer chest.
  • "Interconnected Systems" tech pre-requisite for supply lines that makes robot arms automatically identify from where to where it is grabbing things and informs it to connected logistics chest without the need of a wire e.g. from Requester Chest X to Assembly Machine Y, in order for the logistics network to be able to automatically design more efficient permanent supply lines by itself.
    Semi-permanent bots will try to pick up other missions near where their previous deliver mission was completed which its objective is close or on the way to their assigned supply line's path.
+Priority levels tech which allows the player to define high priority deliveries, such as filling "Support Buffer Boxes" with Repair Packs, Wall Parts, Turrets, Ammo and so on for factory security usage as a priority one, which will ensure close by bots that are free or going towards a mission but not currently carrying anything will drop their current mission to take on that mission
  • "Emergency" priority level mission only accessible through logistics network and wired programming
+Middle Manager Robot
A resource expensive inflated-jet propelled robot medium sized[6x4 Wide) that consumes a lot of energy and flies a player defined path that must be within the green area of a same logistics network and need a new unique "roboport" in order to operate, the Charging Tower.
  • Middle Managers picks up logistics and construction bots in an area around itself which the destination of their missions is along its path while it moves and drops them close to their destination.
    Middle Managers use a constant output in order to fly quite a bit higher than other robots and fall to the ground taking and causing damage if energy to its Induction Charging Towers ends.
+Delivery Robot
Long range fast delivery bot programmed similar to the trains & uses long-range-only logistics special requester chests/vaults chosen from inside the bots programming, being able to come out from a logistics network and go into a different one, but can only pick and drop items on the inside of a red area of a logistics network.

+New Robot Induction Charging Tower
Mandatory in order to have a Middle Manager and a Delivery bot to circulate within a perimeter.
  • Charges all Logistics, Construction and Middle Manager bots inside its area constantly while they fly by long-range induction.
  • Delivery bots always return to their assigned Charging Tower after each delivery.
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Re: GG's Starlog 2 - Supply Lines

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:16 am
by PyroFire
GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

+Repeat Logistics Missions
Logistics bots assume closest "pick up mission" in place of farther away bots, freeing them from their current assignment to do something close right after a "deliver mission" and gives preference to repeat the same mission it just fulfilled if its still available again or a similar one close to where it currently is becoming semi-permanent to that/those
This is up to the base factorio game and is impossible to tweak using mods.

The only exception is making roboports internally share their robot inventories, effectively allowing your entire robot swarm to teleport between roboports.
That could be a thing maybe?

GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

+Permanent Missions
if a delivery requests is very routinely done on repeat by a semi-permanent bots enough times in a row, e.g. pick Iron Plates in point A and drop in this machine in point B, if there are enough logistics bots on the network, a few may be assigned permanently to fulfill only that supply line again and again, after a certain value, becoming semi-permanent when its fulfilled taking on missions preferably as close to its fixed assignment as possible and dropping whatever they are doing or assigning a substitute that is close enough and free in order to fulfill their main mission.
  • Player can manually add a robot as a permanent to certain supply lines by grabbing a logistics robot from inventory and clicking a requester or buffer chest. Permanent supply line bots will also take on identical requests that are close to their original permanent request.
  • A single robot can take on up to 2 connected permanent supply lines e.g. drop iron ore at smelter's requester chest and then picking up the iron plate to go to their main supply line to deliver at an Assembly Machine's requester/buffer chest.

See above - logistic network behavior cannot be modded like this.
And if there was any benefit to robots behaving this way, they would already be behaving this way.
GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

[*]"Interconnected Systems" tech pre-requisite for supply lines that makes robot arms automatically identify from where to where it is grabbing things and informs it to connected logistics chest without the need of a wire e.g. from Requester Chest X to Assembly Machine Y, in order for the logistics network to be able to automatically design more efficient permanent supply lines by itself.
Semi-permanent bots will try to pick up other missions near where their previous deliver mission was completed which its objective is close or on the way to their assigned supply line's path.[/list]
What's wrong with requester/provider chests as it is?
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

+Priority levels tech which allows the player to define high priority deliveries, such as filling "Support Buffer Boxes" with Repair Packs, Wall Parts, Turrets, Ammo and so on for factory security usage as a priority one, which will ensure close by bots that are free or going towards a mission but not currently carrying anything will drop their current mission to take on that mission
  • "Emergency" priority level mission only accessible through logistics network and wired programming
More impossibles.
At most, lua may be able to forcibly send orders, but there is little in the way of control over a logistic network through mods.

GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

+Middle Manager Robot
A resource expensive inflated-jet propelled robot medium sized[6x4 Wide) that consumes a lot of energy and flies a player defined path that must be within the green area of a same logistics network and need a new unique "roboport" in order to operate, the Charging Tower.
  • Middle Managers picks up logistics and construction bots in an area around itself which the destination of their missions is along its path while it moves and drops them close to their destination.
    Middle Managers use a constant output in order to fly quite a bit higher than other robots and fall to the ground taking and causing damage if energy to its Induction Charging Towers ends.
Uh... What?
Resizing stuff is easy.

But .. "A robot that is just there to carry other deployed robots"... huh? why would that be needed?

This seems like a combination of robot attrition / flying bots occasionally are damaged inflight:
and bobs logistics for different tiers of robots

GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

+Delivery Robot
Long range fast delivery bot programmed similar to the trains & uses long-range-only logistics special requester chests/vaults chosen from inside the bots programming, being able to come out from a logistics network and go into a different one, but can only pick and drop items on the inside of a red area of a logistics network.
See also bobs logistics again for different tiers of robots

GG Cannon wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:43 am

+New Robot Induction Charging Tower
Mandatory in order to have a Middle Manager and a Delivery bot to circulate within a perimeter.
  • Charges all Logistics, Construction and Middle Manager bots inside its area constantly while they fly by long-range induction.
  • Delivery bots always return to their assigned Charging Tower after each delivery.
This is surprisingly simple, and has not yet been done.
The problem however is, to do this with lua involves surface.find_* and iterating over what could be literally 10's of thousands of robots, and then calculating their distance to the nearest charging tower.
This would be a very ups hungry idea.
Why not use bobs logistics for higher tier robots and better roboport stuff?

Sin Count: 3

Sentence: Trapped under a crashed logistics robot with nothing but a shovel.

*No suggestion is without sin*