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A problem with the new fluid system

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:59 pm
by Philuminati
Hello everyone,

First of all I want to say that the new fluid system got really good, especially with the protection of mixing fluids. But there is a problem with this in my opinion. I'm normally using the advanced processing for crude oil but if I need lots of lubricant for example I used to turn a few refineries into the normal processing to get more heavy oil. But because of the new protection from mixing fluids this is no longer possible because one of the intakes has a water pipe connected to it. I wanted to suggest that the protection only counts for interaction between pipes and outputs of machines but not for the intakes because there is no need for it. If a refinery (or anything else) needs only crude oil but is connected to a water pipe it just doesn't use the water so why blocking it?

Thanks for considering it,
