[17.9] Major Editor Issues
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:32 pm
Items Panel missing:
In earlyer versions it was possible to place Items on the map (like on belts) or into objects! (like ammunition in turrets)
Resource Paint&Spray doesn't show Resource Panel:
Only the "Hand" tool shows the resources, in earlyer versions all tools showed it while those wich span an area showed the total resources of that area!
"Outside Map Area" Tile can't be replaced anymore:
i often work with the Black Tiles to create distinct area's of a map, but now i can't replace it in case of a mistake - in earlyer versions it could be even replaced outside the map, increasing mapsize! (if it wasn't sufficient for the mission)
Safes empty itself?:
Yesterday i worked around 2h on a old "Sandbox" map i made in 16.10 to recreate it as the game just safed the tile's and strangely the positions of the Roboports on the minimap but not the actual roboports - after i was done i safed it as a new map - but as i opened it today it was exactly the same map, with all changes gone! (being tiles or objects) - wtf happend???
now i have 2 broken maps, while all other i created in 16.10 aren't even visible (but properbly because i used mods wich are now outdated - yes, i deactivated all of them befor!)
New Time "Feature":
while the idea is nice to test things out, it should be restricted to a specific map area and able to reset! (as now the biters eat my base while i just wanted to test a production chain!) - if i want to test a map i can safe&play it!
Biter Evolution:
Propably an oversight by me, but it was pretty strange to face colossus biters from the beginning - 1. should start at lowest evolution and 2. an option to decide evolution in editor! (as said, maybe oversight by me - wasn't that importand for me at that time as biters ruined my map anyway!)
Remaining Issues Related to overall Editor Design:
-Tiling Generator still missing - especially for Labtile Maps! scrap that, found it under "surfaces" panel
- what to do with "Surfaces", afaik only the mod "Factorissimo2" actually makes gameplay use out of it...
- missing Player Avatar, there is still no option to decide where the player avatar has to be! (i know there is a command to spawn it, but pretty much inconvenient!)
- Load Scenario option, in case of a mistake i need to exit the editor to load an earlyer version! (i do not remember how it was in earlyer versions, as with addition of mods there aren't remaining any uncorrectable mistakes! - while with the stock editor you just need to place something down wich can't be removed anymore! xP)
What i like and really appreciate:
- the new "None" panel with all the nice buttons, now add shortcut description to the new buttons and i'm happy^^
- the new "Time" Panel, tough look above for critics about it's usability, i would also vote to make it part of the "None" Tab, so some hasn't to change panels at testing the map!
- finaly a maptile generator - if we could just get a brush now...
- New Infinite Chest&Pipe - makes testing stuff much more easy!
In earlyer versions it was possible to place Items on the map (like on belts) or into objects! (like ammunition in turrets)
Resource Paint&Spray doesn't show Resource Panel:
Only the "Hand" tool shows the resources, in earlyer versions all tools showed it while those wich span an area showed the total resources of that area!
"Outside Map Area" Tile can't be replaced anymore:
i often work with the Black Tiles to create distinct area's of a map, but now i can't replace it in case of a mistake - in earlyer versions it could be even replaced outside the map, increasing mapsize! (if it wasn't sufficient for the mission)
Safes empty itself?:
Yesterday i worked around 2h on a old "Sandbox" map i made in 16.10 to recreate it as the game just safed the tile's and strangely the positions of the Roboports on the minimap but not the actual roboports - after i was done i safed it as a new map - but as i opened it today it was exactly the same map, with all changes gone! (being tiles or objects) - wtf happend???
now i have 2 broken maps, while all other i created in 16.10 aren't even visible (but properbly because i used mods wich are now outdated - yes, i deactivated all of them befor!)
New Time "Feature":
while the idea is nice to test things out, it should be restricted to a specific map area and able to reset! (as now the biters eat my base while i just wanted to test a production chain!) - if i want to test a map i can safe&play it!
Biter Evolution:
Propably an oversight by me, but it was pretty strange to face colossus biters from the beginning - 1. should start at lowest evolution and 2. an option to decide evolution in editor! (as said, maybe oversight by me - wasn't that importand for me at that time as biters ruined my map anyway!)
Remaining Issues Related to overall Editor Design:
- what to do with "Surfaces", afaik only the mod "Factorissimo2" actually makes gameplay use out of it...
- missing Player Avatar, there is still no option to decide where the player avatar has to be! (i know there is a command to spawn it, but pretty much inconvenient!)
- Load Scenario option, in case of a mistake i need to exit the editor to load an earlyer version! (i do not remember how it was in earlyer versions, as with addition of mods there aren't remaining any uncorrectable mistakes! - while with the stock editor you just need to place something down wich can't be removed anymore! xP)
What i like and really appreciate:
- the new "None" panel with all the nice buttons, now add shortcut description to the new buttons and i'm happy^^
- the new "Time" Panel, tough look above for critics about it's usability, i would also vote to make it part of the "None" Tab, so some hasn't to change panels at testing the map!
- finaly a maptile generator - if we could just get a brush now...
- New Infinite Chest&Pipe - makes testing stuff much more easy!