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[0.17] Research Queue inherent issue (related to FF#254)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:52 pm
by Cyan_Leader
As I started my new run on 0.17, I noticed that the issue stated previously by the devs, that players did not know exactly what was unlocked and were not using previously unlocked items, started to affect me as well. The main reason why I think that was the case is because I often did not know what I just finished researching. When you queue multiple techs you quickly forget what exactly you queued and the game's UI element that was used to tell you what research you finished (the top right corner) is now being used to displayed the progress of the next item.

Thus, I have a simple proposal. Print out in chat a text that says which tech you have finished and what is being queued next. Something simple like "X has been completed. Starting Y" would suffice. This would not only prompt players to check out/use what has been researched but also remind ourselves what we actually queued.

0.17 Research UI feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:27 pm
by stretch611
Overall, I enjoy the new Research UI, especially the UI regarding queued research.

I enjoy not being bothered to stop what I am doing because I know research continues after I hear the chime signifying the end of the current research project. Though what I find lacking is any feedback telling me what I just finished researching when I look at the screen. The only way I know is to scroll to the bottom of research projects, look at the green ones and guess at which one I finished.

Do you think we might be able to update the screen to display a box of recently completed research projects? Your UI experts generally do well, so maybe they can help design a good way to see it. Maybe an separate box of completed under the queued items or elsewhere on the screen... Or possibly leaving the finished one(s) in the queue to the left side as green (possibly with a vertical line separating ongoing research) until new projects are added to the queue to force completed ones off the screen.

Re: [0.17] Research Queue inherent issue (related to FF#254)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:53 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into other suggestion for the same issue.
Side note : if a notification center was implemented, this woud become a non issue

Re: [0.17] Research Queue inherent issue (related to FF#254)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:02 pm
by <NO_NAME>
That bothers me as well, especially that I often play with low volume (I'm listening to something else) and I'm rarely even notice the chime.