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[0.17.x] Spitter and worms acid sets player speed instead of affecting it

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:46 am
by WildWolf
So this is more a tiny anoyance more than a major bug but sill feels like a bug.
The reason i feel like it should be a modifier of the normal player walking speed than effect the intirety of player walking speed is due to when you play multiplayer and have to also fight latency for inputs and the projectile tracking.

What i feel should be done is this formula
pws = Player walking speed (also containing the player walking speed modifier from game.player.walking_speed_modifer)
am = acid modifier
em = exo skeleton modifer
wso = Actual walking speed when in acid

This would improve the consistency for both the effectivity of legs and latency issues, and would help out alot for players with worse connection to servers while fighting biters. This gets realy visualized when you play the death world marathon preset on a server.

Re: [0.17.x] Spitter and worms acid sets player speed instead of affecting it

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:45 am
by Klonan
I'm not quite clear what you mean,
The sticker already works as a flat multiplier on the walking speed, also factoring exoskeletons, tiles, etc.

Moving to ideas and suggestions

Re: [0.17.x] Spitter and worms acid sets player speed instead of affecting it

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:46 am
by WildWolf
its more on multiplayer if you get stuck in the acid you get pushed back to the acid and it feels that it factors the acid as a set speed more than a modifier