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Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:01 pm
by ayase
Hello people!

Short Version: I think the game could benefit greatly from randomization that forces the player to come up with different layouts and production chains each playthrough, making for a fresh experience each start.

Long Version: Factorio, in it's current state, is fairly linear. Your factories usually end up looking the same way as you always need to produce the same products to advance to the next Tech Level. It's possible to challenge yourself by changing the rules of the game - make ressources more scarce, make enemies more common - but this doesn't actually make you change the layout of your factory. I found remedy by adding more complexity to the game ( DyTech ), but this too starts feeling repetitive after a while.

I assume the core of the issue is this linearity. I got a few ideas for how to change it up, but I think they'd work better as mods. I still wanted to open up this thread to point this suggestion out and see what people think.
