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Blueprint Suggestion

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:12 am
by SpoonUnit
Blueprints are useful even before flying robots are researched. First it helps plan, and second it guides building. It would be great if it also helped building. The suggestion then is this:

I pick an entity to place && hold down the mouse button && first entity drawn is a blueprint element
enable blueprint paint mode

Blueprint paint mode would be akin to the usefulness of being able to hold the mouse while laying electric poles in that the games helps spacing and overcoming tree placements. This would facilitate laying electric poles, inserters, and other entities while constructing blueprints. In order to not make this too strong a help, suggest it's not magic and doesn't let you paint the whole blueprint but only works single entity at a time. It feels like this would also save a lot of clicks and reduce strain a little.