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Individual (vehicle) weapon cooldown

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:47 pm
by Guest_4544
It would be nice to have a option were on vehicle weapons I can "chain" it together that it indicates that they are of same type and are sharing the same cooldown. This issue is more profound if one of the vehicle weapons has a long cooldown such as 8 seconds that leaves the player undefended for 8 whole seconds before he can start using other vehicle weapon due to this shared cooldown, so when a large swarm of aliens surrounds the player he cannot do anything against it such as applying a large quantity of damage by means of a fixed mounted weapon with a fast firing rate because he is locked off from this option so all he can do is waiting before he can use the other weapon. The workaround for this issue is to use capsule and/or grenades.

The new syntax could be something like this:
guns = { "125mm_Cannon": 1, "125mm_Cannon": 1, "7.62x51mm_MG": 2},
The vehicle has 2x the 125mm Cannon I made it on purpose to make ammo switching easier during the heat of a battle which might end up fatal, also it means the cooldown is shared only between those 2 125mm Cannon the Coax-MG is unaffected and still can be used while the maingun is still "loading" so to say. So in the above context if this change was available the player can use the Coax-MG to deal damage against those aliens till his main cannon is ready to be used for firing.
By default the value integer is 1 if none is given in order to preserve backwards compatibility, and nothing else is changed. Thanks for reading this suggestion.