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Science packs tweaks
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:22 pm
by CzBuCHi
1. Swap Military science and Science pack 3 in production grid
2. Rename Science Pack 3 to Oil Science
3. Change Oil Science recipe to Lubricant, Plastic and Acid (or Lubricant, Plastic, Sulfur and Water? ) - builded in tech plant and not assembly machine
Why ?
ad 1) Military science is way easier to produce than Science pack 3 (can be builded before refinery).
ad 2,3) This will simplify learning curve - focusing on basic oil products only and not refinery + red chips
I spend absurd amount of time only on Red+Green+Military science packs (400+ hours), because i was scared of pipes (and spaghetti) ... only rescently i got tru it (no now i dont understand, why i was scared in first place ...)
Re: Science packs tweaks
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:10 pm
by Lav
There are a few suggestions like this.
Though I personally prefer Mechanic Pack (red), Logistics Pack (green), Military (gray), Chemical (blue) and so on.
Re: Science packs tweaks
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:32 pm
by eradicator
I think one of the FFFs mentioned that the recipe tweaks for 0.17 will include some things that hopefully help to make the slope between science2 (no oil) and science3 (all oil products) less steep. Maybe by requiring some easy oil products earlier on so that you already have a few refineries when the red circuit demans starts?
Re: Science packs tweaks
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:11 pm
by CzBuCHi
I know they`re tweaking science - like special research, that unlock science pack (not as now, when Advanced electronics opens blue)
that why i posted this ...