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Combat Reform
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:40 am
by NamelessMurder
I know this game is about building factories, but the combat mechanics and choices are very underwhelming. You click to shoot. There are 6 weapons. 3 choices for ammunition. 2 vehicle choices, both unlocked during early game. 3 turrets, one alot more efficient and powerful than the other two. That's it. I'm not asking you to add hundreds of new weapons and turrets, or to add 4 different keys for different combat functions, I just want there to atleast 15 weapons, 7 turrets, and maybe a scope feature on weaponry. This also means greater enemy variation, as everything is just biters, spitters, worms, or the spawners themselves. I think a "superspawner" should be added, and atleast 2 new enemies. I'm well aware what I'm suggesting has been requested before, and I know most ideas and suggestions are minor changes such as the ability to take coal out of refineries(I saw, this earlier, and I actually want this to happen) I want something major.
Re: Combat Reform
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:00 am
by Engimage
This game focuses on building factories and solving problems around that. Combat is considered a secondary thing and devs are not planning any massive changes of that apart from balancing stuff or adding minor features.
If you are interested in expanding combat you should look at mods - there are lots of them which add a lot of stuff such as weapons and enemies.
Some of them are standalone and some (Like Bob's mods) are a part of a major game extensions. Feel free to browse
Re: Combat Reform
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:28 am
by JohnyDL
I know right gun turrets with uranium ammo are a million times better than lasers thanks to gun turret damage stacking with bullet damage
but I think there's room for a rock paper scissors effect to come into play to make turrets a more nuanced task (biters equally effected by all turrets spitters being weak to fire but strong to laser something armoured or worms that're weak to laser but strong to bullets and something speedy thats strong to laser but weak to fire)
as for more than that I think it detracts from the game, making the enemies come in 4 types makes the defences a logistical exercise making 15 independent weapons and 7 turret types seems like a solution looking for a problem which you solve with yet more additions. I'm trying to think of any game with 27 weapon where you get to pick ammo type as well. In effect right now there are 7/10 hand held weapons depending on how you count it, most with 2 or 3 ammo levels giving if you're generous 23 different options for arming yourself, without 2 different armour weapons, the 3 vehicles (trains will kill biters) and 5 turret options
and major changes are suggested and make it through but usually there are mods of them first