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Some mod-water ideas

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:57 am
by Vaolin
First of all, I'd like to apologise for any mistakes I will make in this thread (English is not my primary language).

Playing factorio is really fun for me, I just love doing my math and ratios with a bunch of mods to make a game more complicated and even more entertaining for me. But I found out that when I want to play one day with some mod pack and other they with different enabling/disabling mods one by one in + - 100mod pack is really tedious. It's much easier to just swap mod folders. I think would be awesome to in-game save downloaded(in-game mod portal is great for me!)mods as some kind of pack/collection and then just enabling appropriate one.

My second thought was water supply. I like trains and just hate water. Even more when I have to pipe it across xxx tiles. D I was thinking about more offshore pump job entities like:

Well: Resource(stone(10) + wood/+iron(4-5)) + no power cost, can't be placed on desert, 60 water/s, [1x1] dim
Deep Water Station (it make sense when I translate from my language, but I can't be sure if it does in English): Resource (Green circuits (20), Iron (10), Stell(20), Engine (like 2-5), Pipes (20-30), 60kW, 1200 water/s (like offshore) [3x3] dim

"Building's" like that would make me extremely happy and allow to make beautiful symmetric layouts which I love.

Let me know if you guys understand me and what you think about my ideas.
Couldn't find anything similar searching with tags "mods, pack, collections, water well" etc

Re: Some mod-water ideas

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:01 am
by Kametec
Yeah, saveable mod profiles would be great.

I solved my love for trains and my dislike for piping water around by making an array of pumps around a train station and shipping the water in trains. It's not as easy as it sounds. For example, getting water from a train stop to boilers is not trivial and not having a bottleneck there is quite challenging. The amount of water a large enough row of boilers (or heat exchangers ) can gobble down is respectable.

Re: Some mod-water ideas

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:10 am
by Koub
First, several ideas/suggestions in a single topic is the very best way to have none ever added : imagine 2-3 discussions going on at the same time, it will become a cacophony, and soon no one will bother trying to understand who answers to whom.

Next, mod settings :

And last :
[Koub] Moved to Ideas and Suggestions

Re: Some mod-water ideas

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:36 am
by Vaolin
Kametec wrote:Yeah, saveable mod profiles would be great.

I solved my love for trains and my dislike for piping water around by making an array of pumps around a train station and shipping the water in trains. It's not as easy as it sounds. For example, getting water from a train stop to boilers is not trivial and not having a bottleneck there is quite challenging. The amount of water a large enough row of boilers (or heat exchangers ) can gobble down is respectable.
I did it too but it's always a risk of system failure, especially in late game with complicated, expanded train system.