Read inserter stack size from the picked item's channel
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:53 pm
When the inserter stack size is controlled by the circuit network, make it possible to read the size from the same channel as the item it has picked up.What?
E.g. if a filter inserter has chosen to pick up pumpjacks, the stack size for that particular pick would be read from the pumpjack channel. The UI to select this mode of operation could be an "each" option in the "control signal" selection dialogue. This feature would fit well with the "set filter" mode since the signals on the network set both filter (>0) and stack size at the same time.Why?
This is useful when one wants to fill a chest or wagon with several different items to exact counts. It's not a problem to determine how many units of each item to transfer, but extracting the right count to a statically configured channel is to my knowledge difficult (i.e. it requires O(number of item types) amounts of combinators). There is no way of knowing in advance which of the enabled items a filter inserter will pick up.The only feasible alternative I know is to have a second filter inserter that moves items in the opposite direction: When the first inserter is starting a pick that overshoots the target count, the second inserter takes out the difference by looking at the item type and count in the hand of the first one. That method has some practical limitations that are hard to overcome though - it is e.g. not always the case that enough items to carry out the reverse pick are available in the same chest/wagon it picks from.