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Water as oil resource depletion

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:11 pm
by cpy
So i just had this idea like probably tons of people before me but i suck at using search function so here it goes.
Every water square should have like big water reserve that slowly depletes like oil so you'd be low on water if you try to pull water out of 1x1 square.
It would work like mix between resource field and oil deposit. Let's say one pump will have scan area 10x10 or 20x20 it will search for water give you result max l/s that is pumpable and decreases over time. So that only 1 or 2 pumps could be per this area 20x20.
Maybe big oceans could have like infinite water or just insane amount of it because we want to drain the oceans! :D