Randomly assigned character colo(u)rs
Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:48 pm
Discovering the /color command, I suggest this:
All players, upon creating a Factorio account, are assigned a random colo(u)r either by selecting one of the few pre-existing colo(u)rs or generating 3 random hex codes.
This is bound, and cannot be changed by the user. This is the colo(u)r of their character, turrets, and gates - much like the current /color command (of course, this would need to be removed or change to have only client-side effects).
Teams would work the same way.
All players, upon creating a Factorio account, are assigned a random colo(u)r either by selecting one of the few pre-existing colo(u)rs or generating 3 random hex codes.
This is bound, and cannot be changed by the user. This is the colo(u)r of their character, turrets, and gates - much like the current /color command (of course, this would need to be removed or change to have only client-side effects).
Teams would work the same way.