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Icon Filter when Detailed info (Alt) is on.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:38 pm
by James2o
So, Icons are 100% mandatory and i can't imagine someone playing without them. The smaller icons with 0.15 are already making you see your factory better

Still, to be able to choose which buildings you don't want to have icons on top of them when detailed info is on would be even nicer
A combination of buildings with icons and ones without

Maybe an option to turn it off after selecting the building or a whole filter section in the game options

Re: Icon Filter when Detailed info (Alt) is on.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:50 pm
by ssilk
More specific please. :)

Re: Icon Filter when Detailed info (Alt) is on.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:22 pm
by deer_buster
I think what he is asking for, is the ability to disable a entity's detailed info icon (what it's producing, filtering, etc.) so that you no longer see the icon on the screen, but you do still see the detailed info icons for things you want to see.

So, you could remove all the icons for the assemblers that are producing blue science (because you already can see what they are building based on output), but you could see that your filter inserters are filtering for Stone Bricks,