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Infinite DEFENSIVE research

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 2:28 pm
by Avezo
Wall's hitpoints, tank's armor, bulding hitpoints, maybe also shield hitpoints etc. should be possible to upgrade through infinite research just the same as offensive bonuses are.

What ?
At this point I'm thinking about infinitely researchable hitpoints and/or resistances increase for:
Buildings in general
Walls and/or Turrets specifically (you might only want it instead of doing it for ALL buildings that are rarely attacked anyway in comparison)
Tanks, cars, trains, wagons
Personal armors (not shields)
Bots, bots combat and personal
Actually I think it makes EVERYTHING upgradeable.
Not sure about personal shields though, it seems a nice idea, but it would at the same time increase their power consumption or make too overpowered.

Why ?
Personally i've run into situations where I were in tank, had enough firepower, bots repairing and so on, yet it seemed made of cardboard at later stage of the game. Then it felt to me it's weird we have so much upgrades to offensive firepower, but almost nothing about defense.
It just seems to make sense that with time you are able to craft better armors, stronger walls and similar things, instead of setting up 3 rows of turrets - I think having stronger walls with less turrents might make defending bases more interesting, because attacks would last longer.

Re: Infinite DEFENSIVE research

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 2:51 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Or, at least, give us the interface to make those values mutable.

Re: Infinite DEFENSIVE research

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:26 am
by raidho36
Enemies don't progress indefinitely, and having so much armor that you can let them help themselves at your factory without fearing they'll break anything will make it super lame.