Placing a blueprint should overwrite assembler settings on assembler ghosts, and with force-place (shift-click) should overwrite them on existing assemblers.
Now that blueprints are available from the start of the game, and portable between games without mods, it's very easy to have a blueprint that contains not only items you can't build, but assemblers which produce items you can't build. When you place the blueprint, those assemblers are not configured to produce anything. That seems fine to me, but the natural thing to do in this situation, once you've completed the research to unlock the thing the assembler is supposed to produce, is to place the blueprint again. Currently, though, this has no effect, neither on existing assemblers nor on BP ghosts. If I want to achieve my aim, I need to go through and remove any non-configured assemblers before placing the BP. Instead...
When placing the same blueprint a second time (or any blueprint where an assembler is aligned with an existing assembler or assembler ghost), the assembler that's already placed should be set to produce whatever item was configured for the assembler in the blueprint. This should happen to BP ghosts upon normal BP placement, and to real assemblers if the BP is force-placed (shift-click to place).
No, but really: Why?
I came upon this problem when I started a new game and used
this cool little "base in a box" blueprint someone created. I plopped it down as soon as I had Logistics 1 and Automation 1 researched, and it really helped me get things going quickly. Updating it as new research came along proved to be a pain, though; implementing this suggestion would make that kind of thing much easier. Also, here's a related suggestion I'd like to give a shout-out to here:
Placing assembler manually on blueprint sets recipe