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Fast entity transfer - remember quantity

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:00 pm
by mp0011
Quantity on fast transfer should not change back to full stack.
What ?
I have 40 turrets and 1000 clips. I want to insert 25 clips to each. So, I split 200 clips to 2x100, then 100 to 2x50, then 50 to 2x25. I try to insert 25 pieces to the 1st turret with ctrl. 25 clips are transfered, but I have 200 clips under cursor, and clips stacks in my inventory are merged.

I expect, that after I insert first stack of 25 clips, next 25 pieces are taken from inventory "to the cursor" and goes to 2nd turret, and so on...
Why ?
Now I must open each turret one by one to insert less than full stack...

Re: Fast entity transfer - remember quantity

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 10:21 pm
by ssilk
Build a belt and inserters and a chest at the beginning of the belts (or a magazine factory) and automate this stupid filling. Factorio is about automation and not about repetition.

Re: Fast entity transfer - remember quantity

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 10:33 pm
by mp0011
It was just example... There just are situations, when You need to fill few chests, dozen of turrets, some boilers just run out of coal, early game furnaces, etc., or building whole infrastructure is pointless to do it once in a game.

Also, messing in my inventory (merging stacks when I don't want to) should not happen.

I don't think it's very hard implement... Just don't "clean up" inventory (there is an option in settings, but it doesn't work here), and pull the same amount as last time.

Re: Fast entity transfer - remember quantity

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:18 am
by BenSeidel
Added feature:
while holding a stack of items in your hands, be able to use the mouse scroll wheel to change the "held" stack size.
Pick up a stack of 50, pull the scroll wheel back until you are holding 5 items, place 5 items in things until you are out of them/clear your hand.

Re: Fast entity transfer - remember quantity

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:55 pm
by Anyone
Would be a nice QoL feature. I thought this was bugged to be honest.

Re: Fast entity transfer - remember quantity

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:07 pm
by Azzinoth
BenSeidel wrote:Added feature:
while holding a stack of items in your hands, be able to use the mouse scroll wheel to change the "held" stack size.
Pick up a stack of 50, pull the scroll wheel back until you are holding 5 items, place 5 items in things until you are out of them/clear your hand.
I like this part especially, because it solves the problem of how to split stacks in an easy way. But the control should be shift+mouse wheel, so that it doesnt conflict with zooming.