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New take on train station skipping condition

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 9:00 am
by mrvn
There have been previous suggestions for making trains smarter by programmably skip train stops. This is a new take on the idea coming at it from another side.
What ?
Train stops should have another mode of operation: "Set train destination using <signal>" with a user selectable signal. When a train is at the station the count of the signal picks the next stop from the train list of stops and sets the train to automatic. Except a signal of 0 would set the train to manual.
Why ?
Others have suggested ways to make trains skip stops that range from simple workarounds to complex new systems, even suggesting trains should have a internal space where you can place circuits and build your own brain for the train. For examples see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=25944#p164178

That skipping train stations or directing where trains should go next is a much requested feature is without question. I also hope that it is without question that the current features (signals, disabling stations) is not sufficient.

Yesterday I played with trains and the train stop conditions. Using a combination of "and" and "or" signals to make some complex decisions on when to leave. At some point it just seemed easier to build external circuits to make the decision and have the train simply wait for circuit condition. That got me thinking. Instead of inventing a new and complex way to add train stop skipping conditions to both the GUI and the train code why not take the same approach as the wait for "circuit condition"? Offload all the logic to external circuits and use a signal value to pick a destination from the trains list of stops. So when you send S=5 to the train stop the train will go to the 5th train stop in it's list next.

Implementation wise this will add another option to the train stops mode of operation, which is a trivial change in the GUI, and a few lines of code to the train stop to implement setting the next train stop for the train. It should be real easy to implement and imensly powerfull for the user.