Flamethrower-Induced Oil Disasters
Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 1:48 am
I am proposing that, instead of flames dying out when they destroy pumpjacks, oil puddles, heavy oil, light oil, and petroleum tanks, they keep burning as if you lit them on fire, and possibly explode, depending on what you hit.What ?
The idea that I am suggesting here is a way to add disasters into the game, such as clumsy workers shooting flamethrowers at oil tanks. If you hit an oil, such as the puddles, pump jacks, or crude oil storage tanks, they burn for an amount of time, using an equation such as [AmountOilx0.5Seconds= total time burning]. Obviously, this would be different for the types of oil you hit, as the purer oils will bun more vigorously. If you hit a very refined oil, such as petroleum or light oil, they will throw flames a set distance around them (3 tiles or so) and explode, causing severe damage and lots of pollution. if there are oil tanks close together, you can seal them using a pump (logic to the rescue!) and if you don't, they all burn down. If there are mixed feelings, players would have the option to toggle this on and off.(I will add pictures in the near-future, sorry if there are not there now)
Why ?
I think that adding oil disaster would be beneficial to the game because it makes it more life-like, because in real-life if you shoot fire at refined oil, it will burn. In addition to making the game more realistic, it would make it more fun because players would have to make sure they are careful with the weapons they choose. As of right now, flamethrowers are really over-powered. They deal massive damage, and destroy anything they touch. Adding real-life consequences to carelessly shooting flamethrowers around would make the game a little bit more challenging and exciting.Thank you for reading!