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Shared blueprints: word search and scroll position

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 9:28 pm
by Plawerth
The new shared blueprint library is nice, but on a long-running server with hundreds of people joining, it rapidly becomes a horrible mess to try to browse.

Please add a Search function, with Next and Previous buttons. This should automatically scroll the browser window and open books to show the matches.

Also there is a problem with the browser window not remembering the scroll position when browsing through the shared library.
  • Scroll down to somewhere in the middle of the huge list of players
  • This person has multiple books in their shared library
  • I open a book, look through it, and close it
  • ???? main window scroll position has jumped back all the way to the top, rather than remembering the position where I was when I opened this book.
  • ???? Now I have to re-scroll down through that huge list of people to find this person again..... if I can remember their name from before closing the last book....
Every time I open and close a blueprint book, I have to readjust the browser window's scroll position. This becomes tiresome very quickly, and eventually I just give up browsing.