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Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 8:38 pm
by Shaymes
after little tests with the pump tanks and tank wagong i nothe that the most efficient way to pump in or out a tank wagong is:
dont have a pipe between tank pump and tank wagong to the pump can work with max 12.000/s. but there is an issue if you want use all 3 chambers:
the liquid tank is to big with 3x3 to fit nicely next to a train a 2x2 storage tank will be perfect but that needs a rebalancing becouse a 2x2 and 3x3 tank should have different stoage values so i suggest to increase the ammout of the storage tank to 50.000l and add a smaler tank with only 25.000l my calculation results by tiles 2x2=4 and 3x3=9 so a 3x3 tank is twice large then a 2x2 tank

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:32 pm
by thereaverofdarkness
There is no need to make the large tank hold more. Just make the small tank hold 10,000. That's a bit less than 4/9ths of the large tank, perhaps because the small tank is a bit shorter.

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 11:55 pm
by Shaymes
a tank wagon chamber has 25.000 its a 2x2 tank and mountet on a train wagong the same tank on land will have 25.000l too

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 6:05 am
by Roxor128
Maybe adjust the size of the individual tanks on the liquid wagon to match the small tank, whatever its capacity.

It's a bit weird that the wagon is 2*6 but holds as much as a 3*9 area of non-mobile tanks.

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 6:41 am
by thereaverofdarkness
Roxor128 wrote:It's a bit weird that the wagon is 2*6 but holds as much as a 3*9 area of non-mobile tanks.
Even weirder is that you can hold more than that in a cargo wagon in barrels, and they can be loaded and unloaded MUCH faster as well.

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:20 am
by Roxor128
thereaverofdarkness wrote:
Roxor128 wrote:It's a bit weird that the wagon is 2*6 but holds as much as a 3*9 area of non-mobile tanks.
Even weirder is that you can hold more than that in a cargo wagon in barrels, and they can be loaded and unloaded MUCH faster as well.
Sounds like barrels need a stack size reduction, then.

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 5:35 am
by Shaymes
thereaverofdarkness wrote: Even weirder is that you can hold more than that in a cargo wagon in barrels, and they can be loaded and unloaded MUCH faster as well.
thats not true, if you have tankwagon -> pump -> tank you unload a chamber in 2sec,and the wagong in 6s the pump can pump 12.000/s its the pipe that slows you down thats why i suggest a 2x2 storage tank that fits nicely next to the train

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:11 am
by thereaverofdarkness
Shaymes wrote:thats not true, if you have tankwagon -> pump -> tank you unload a chamber in 2sec,
Ah, I didn't know it was that fast now. The last I used a tanker it was with the old small pump and that thing was really slow. Still, even if you can unload the tanker faster, you can still unload barrels pretty fast. With stack inserters at 5 stack size, you could unload a cargo wagon in around 5 seconds. A small array of a few assembly machines can have that liquid unpackaged long before the next train arrives, and you can have an empty set of barrels on standby to re-load the train right away and save time if you really wanted to blaze through it that fast.

But the cargo wagon can hold 100,000 units of liquid, or four 3x3 storage tanks. I would like to see full barrel stack size reduced considerably, maybe even down to just 1, but it would be nice if the empty barrels stacked higher. Then I'd like to have small storage tanks (2x2) that hold 10,000 units, and reduce the tanker wagon to 30,000 units.

Re: Smal and Large Liquid Storage Tank

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:37 am
by Zool
From a gameplay perspective, it makes sense that transporting barrels (which requires additional effort like barrel rotation, fill/unfill and so on) has a higher capacity then just filling in/out the fluid to the wagon.