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Option to make deconstruction planner use only personal bots

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:16 am
by phcs93
There should be an option on the deconstruction planner filter to use only your personal bots.

I'm sure you've caught yourself selecting only small chunks of a structure only to avoid the static bots to "help" you.

Sometimes it is just faster to stand in the middle of a big structure and use your personal bots to remove everything instead of waiting for the static bots to fly all the way over.
Also sometimes you don't want everything to go to the storage chests.

There should be 3 options:
- Use all bots
- Personal only
- Static only

This behavior should be added to blueprints as well, for the same reasons. Sometimes you happen to have all necessary items in your inventory and you don't want to use your storage.

This would be REALLY helpful specially when moving big structures. You deconstruct everything, have everything in your inventory, and them just rebuild it straight from your inventory. Clean and fast.

Re: Option to make deconstruction planner use only personal bots

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:52 am
by audigex
Yeah I think this would be a great option for both deconstruction and construction