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17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:25 pm
by Leon713
First and foremost:
1.) I apologise if some of this ideas have already bin discussed - I didn't search the board for all my ideas.
2.) Beside that, I' sorry for my english. I didn't use it in years.


1.) Underground-Layer(s)
1.1.) Possible Variations
1.1.1.) One Underground-Layer
1.1.2.) Two o. Three Underground-Layers
1.1.3.) Unlimited Number of Underground-Layers
1.2.) Underground-Belt can be accessed through first Underground-Layer
1.3.) Caves
1.4.) Minerals
1.5.) Gems (e.g. for Lasers)
1.6.) Lava
1.7.) ...

2.) Orbital- & Lunar-Layer
2.1.) Orbital-Layer
2.1.1) ZeroG-Facilities
2.1.2) Space Elevator
2.1.3) Asteroidmining
2.1.4.) Satellites
2.1.5.) ...
2.2.) Lunar-Layer
2.2.1) Lunar-Mining
2.2.2) LowG-Facilities
2.2.3.) ...

3.) Mining
3.1.) Deep Drilling (for a huge amount of / unlimited Ressources & Planet-Core-Access)
3.2.) ...

4.) More Ores
4.1.) Uran (to be used in the Nuclear Power Plants & special Ammunition)
4.2.) Aluminium (for Light-Structur-Buildings)
4.3.) Lead (for Accumulators & Radiation Protection)
4.4.) Cobalt (for Superalloys & Farms)
4.5.) Chrome (for Leather-Production & Chemical Industry)
4.6.) Antimony (for Alloys)
4.7.) Nickel (for Chemical Industry)
4.8.) Molybdenum (for Steel Production)
4.9.) Gold (for Electic Circuits & Sensors)
4.10.) Platinum (for Research-Labs, Melting Pots & Sensors)
4.11.) ...

5.) Grabbers
5.1.) Flexible Grabbers
5.1.1.) Grabbers with a fixed Drop-Point & a switchable Location-Point (left, straight, right)
5.1.2.) Large Grabbers with switchable range (grabbing and dropping from/at field in distance one or two - in all four combinations)
5.2.) Special Grabbers
5.2.1.) Above-Belt-Grabbers
5.3.) ...

6.) Energy
6.1.) Laser-Energy-Transfer
6.2.) Renewable Energy(-sources)
6.2.1.) Geothermal Energy Production (& Boreholes)
6.2.2.) Wind Power Plants (& Hills)
6.2.3.) Biomass Power Plants (& Farms)
6.2.4.) Biofuel (& Farms)
6.2.5.) Hydroelectric Power Plants (& Rivers)
6.2.6.) Nuclear Power Plants (& Uran) Processing Uran for use in Nuclear Power Plants Recycling/Reprocessing of used Fuel Rods Processing of Radioactive Waste (storing in Barrels / Vitrification of liquid Waste) Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste filled Barrels in Underground-Layers
6.3.) A Switch at every Engine/Machine to turn it on/off (without removing Power Poles)
6.4.) ...

7.) Farms (for Nutrition)
7.1.) Grain & other Crops
7.2.) Rape (for Oil-Production & Biofuel)
7.3.) Production of biological "waste" (for the Biomass Power Plant & Fertiliser-Production)
7.4.) ...

8.) Sensors
8.1.) Optical Sensors
8.2.) Movement Detector
8.3.) Noise Sensors
8.4.) Temperature Sensors
8.5.) Light Barriers
8.6.) ...

9.) Programming within the Logical Network (using Sensors)
9.1.) Logic Gates
9.1.1.) AND
9.1.2.) NAND
9.1.3.) OR
9.1.4.) XOR
9.1.5.) NOR
9.1.6.) XNOR
9.1.7.) NOT
9.2.) ...

10.) Science
10.1.) Endless Science (e.g. +1% Productivity per researched Sciencestep and Research-Cost-Duplication)
10.2.) ...

11.) Sea-Usage
11.1.) Manganese-Nodules-Farming (for Chemical Industry & Energy Production)
11.2.) Oil-Drilling at Sea
11.3) ...

12.) Assambly Belts
12.1.) Improvements
12.1.1.) Assembly Belt Bridges
12.1.2.) Intelligent Assambly Belt Points (e.g. for Sorting)
12.2.) Trifarious Belts (where the middle row can only be filled through Intelligent Assambly Belt Points)
12.3.) ...

13.) Pipes
13.1.) Switchable Pipes (not always making connections to all nearby pipes)
13.2.) Valves
13.3.) ...

14.) Recycling
14.1.) Disassambling of Machines, Grabbers, etc.
14.2.) ...

15.) Player
15.1.) Option in Inventory to allow functioning as a Provider-Chest
15.2.) ...

16.) Terrain
16.1.) Rivers (for the Hydroelectric Power Plants)
16.2.) Hills (for the Wind Power Plants)
16.3.) Canyons (where maybe the first Underground-Layer & the Underground-Belt can be seen)
16.4.) Mountains
16.5.) Swamp
16.6.) Tundra
16.7.) Ice
16.8.) ...

17.) Gameplay-Elements
17.1.) Radiation
17.2.) Nutrition (& Farms)
17.3.) Clothing (& Leather)
17.4.) Weather- & Temperature-Effects
17.5.) Androids
17.6.) AI-Players (friendly and hostile)
17.7.) More Chemical Industry
17.8.) ...

Well, thats been my ideas while I played this awesome game. :D
If you have questions about some of these or want to give thoughts about them - you're welcome!


Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:35 pm
by MisterSpock
Reading was fun. I like your ideas.

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:33 pm
by Dakkanor
Leon713 wrote:1.) Underground-Layer(s)
interesting idea, at most i would have 1 under ground layer, but if i had the choice between another layer and limited terraforming i would choose terraforming
2.) Orbital- & Lunar-Layer
pretty much the same as above

3.1.) Deep Drilling
IMO this would work well with your next idea(but not in unlimited amounts)
4.) More Ores
Pretty sure Uranium and Titanium will be added, however adding every metal under the sun just gets messy, to be honest i really like how everything comes from like 5 base materials
5.) Grabbers
More varied inserters is one of the most common ideas,but really all the basic and required functionality is covered, to go past that you just get a little creative

6.) Energy
Currently we have our basic, high energy/high pollution and our advanced low energy/no pollution options which serve very well, the two ideas of yours that i quite like are geothermal and the nuclear one, the second will be implemented if uranium is anyway. the others are extra fluff which add a little more flavour but not more function
7.) Farms (for Nutrition)
this would work if in the late game you started building a colony as well as a factory.
8.) Sensors
a little bit over kill where a well placed radar array could probably suffice
9.) Programming within the Logical Network (using Sensors)
Could be fun to play with, but probably doesn't add much functionality
10.1.) Endless Science
now this i quite like, especially if it were a diminishing returns system, or the price increased exponentially, possible researches could be energy use, mining speed, bullet damage(because dakka), weapon range, pollution.
11.) Sea-Usage
on a personal level i'm a little iffy, mostly because i would have to start defending my coastlines and i tend to put my most crucial things up against the coast to help manage incoming attacks
12.) Assambly Belts
not sure i understand this one
13.) Pipes
heh, give me a switch over belt and i'd be happy, but even that can be done with underground pipes
14.) Recycling
only as long as you can stop it from being exploitable, i.e. give it no module slots and cap recycling efficiency at some point below 100%

[/quote]15.) Player[/quote]
Player Provider idea is cool, i would say that anything which isn't being requested or in your hotbar is provided if its toggled
16.) Terrain
this varies between nearly impossible to implement and purely aesthetic imo, tho having snowy ground that melts near boilers would be cool
17.) Gameplay-Elements
pretty good array of ideas here, Radiation makes sense with using uranium or if your nuclear power plant gets blown up, i think the player skin is going to change to more of an obvious engineer suit, so you'd be in uniform all the time (and who's to say that you're not an android?)

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:13 am
by ssilk
Leon713 wrote:9.) Programming within the Logical Network (using Sensors)
9.1.) Logic Gates
9.1.1.) AND
9.1.2.) NAND
9.1.3.) OR
9.1.4.) XOR
9.1.5.) NOR
9.1.6.) XNOR
9.1.7.) NOT
9.2.) ...
Hm. This remembers me, that I wanted to write something about the circuits, cause without significant changes in how the circuits currently work, this simple thing would make many problems.

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:58 am
by schelmischerwolf
I would like to see a underground layer to give underground belts more possibilities than a straight 4 block line.
more layers would hurt the gameplay more than to improve it (if you dont plan your flow of resources, just go deeper)
in my opinion completely unnecessary. Your job is to prepare the planet surface for colonisation, but the Space Elevator would be a nice final goal.
can be good when balanced. when you get unlimited resources the yield should be low. (like oil fields)
uran as new resource would be nice, the rest is covered with iron/copper and completely unnecessary
new inserter could be added in the future but are not needed right now.
nuclear powerplants together with uran could be added, the rest is the same as solar panels (free & unlimited)
8.) + 9.)
more possibilities in programming would be fun, even when not needed.
like 3.) can be good when balanced.
i am not sure with this one. i would like to see off shore oil fields but it seems inbalanced to have resources that are untouchable by enemies.
no. the whole system is made for to lined belts. adding a third line would mean you have to resize everything (like items, tiles, buildings)
a change ofthe pipe placement would indeed be awesome (i would prefer placinb pipes like belts)
i dont think it would be useful. just plan ahead to minimize waste
no idea. can be nice, i guess
mostly cosmetics. not important, but nice to see.
radiation - covered with pollution
nutrition - not needed
clothing - not needed
weather - not needed
androids - for what?
NPCs - i like the idea but would like to see something more detailed
more chemical industry - and again: for what?

altogether some good ideas, but using everything would be way to much

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:51 am
by Zequez
1.1.1.) One Underground-Layer
1.1.2.) Two o. Three Underground-Layers
1.1.3.) Unlimited Number of Underground-Layers
Too complex, and it wouldn't add much.
1.2.) Underground-Belt can be accessed through first Underground-Layer
How else would they be accessed?
1.3.) Caves
I'm not sure, realistically it wouldn't make much sense. Besides finding resources is easy enough using with radars.
1.4.) Minerals
Which ones?
1.5.) Gems (e.g. for Lasers)
That would be nice, everything that needs a laser would need some kind of crystal resource.
1.6.) Lava
Contrary to popular belief, lava pools are not a regular thing. Well, neither are thousands of tons of copper, iron and coal above the ground, so who knows. Besides it wouldn't really add anything, leaving aside the looks, since you can't fall to water, yo won't really be able to fall to lava either.
2.) Orbital- & Lunar-Layer
2.1.) Orbital-Layer
2.1.1) ZeroG-Facilities
2.1.2) Space Elevator
2.1.3) Asteroidmining
2.1.4.) Satellites
2.1.5.) ...
2.2.) Lunar-Layer
2.2.1) Lunar-Mining
2.2.2) LowG-Facilities
2.2.3.) ...
I think that's a little far-fetched. Maybe for Factorio 2? :P
3.1.) Deep Drilling (for a huge amount of / unlimited Ressources & Planet-Core-Access)
YES! Once you deplete resources on a mine, you could setup a super-expensive-and-power-hungry mining drill that would extract resources from below ground. Maybe it could be made so we need to feed it with explosives.
4.) More Ores
4.1.) Uran (to be used in the Nuclear Power Plants & special Ammunition)
4.2.) Aluminium (for Light-Structur-Buildings)
4.3.) Lead (for Accumulators & Radiation Protection)
4.4.) Cobalt (for Superalloys & Farms)
4.5.) Chrome (for Leather-Production & Chemical Industry)
4.6.) Antimony (for Alloys)
4.7.) Nickel (for Chemical Industry)
4.8.) Molybdenum (for Steel Production)
4.9.) Gold (for Electic Circuits & Sensors)
4.10.) Platinum (for Research-Labs, Melting Pots & Sensors)
4.11.) ...
Too many ores and it's just too complex. I would add a few more, see how it turns out first.
5.) Grabbers
5.1.) Flexible Grabbers
5.1.1.) Grabbers with a fixed Drop-Point & a switchable Location-Point (left, straight, right)
5.1.2.) Large Grabbers with switchable range (grabbing and dropping from/at field in distance one or two - in all four combinations)
5.2.) Special Grabbers
5.2.1.) Above-Belt-Grabbers
5.3.) ...
As mentioned above, you can get creative. At first I thought that flexible grabbers would be a nice addition. But they are not really that necessary. Would allow for more compact designs, yes, but it would be more tedious to manage.
6.1.) Laser-Energy-Transfer
I love the idea! A laser tower station that you could name, and then when you place another laser station you could select to which station should be connected. The further away the station, the bigger the percentage of lost energy.
6.2.1.) Geothermal Energy Production (& Boreholes)
6.2.2.) Wind Power Plants (& Hills)
Yes, and we would probably need climate conditions, so the wind can change.
6.2.3.) Biomass Power Plants (& Farms)
6.2.4.) Biofuel (& Farms)
Finally something to do with all those trees and dead biters!
6.2.5.) Hydroelectric Power Plants (& Rivers)
Very much yes. And the ability to cross water.
6.2.6.) Nuclear Power Plants (& Uran) Processing Uran for use in Nuclear Power Plants
Yup. Recycling/Reprocessing of used Fuel Rods Processing of Radioactive Waste (storing in Barrels / Vitrification of liquid Waste) Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste filled Barrels in Underground-Layers
While it would be nice to have radioactive waste and be able to process it, I think unless we get nuclear weapons it would just be pointless tedious work.
6.3.) A Switch at every Engine/Machine to turn it on/off (without removing Power Poles)
That would be pretty useful.
7.) Farms (for Nutrition)
7.1.) Grain & other Crops
7.2.) Rape (for Oil-Production & Biofuel)
7.3.) Production of biological "waste" (for the Biomass Power Plant & Fertiliser-Production)
It would be nice if we actually needed to feed a colony with the food. Maybe before the ship lands for colonization we need to have a stock of food, and a food supply chain setup. And after the mother ship lands you have to grow the colony. That would b a good end-game.

8.) Sensors
8.1.) Optical Sensors
You could attach a sensor to a switch to switch something when the sensor output is below X amount. That would be nice.
8.2.) Movement Detector
Over-kill. What for? Sound an alarm when biters are coming?
8.3.) Noise Sensors
What use-case would it have?
8.4.) Temperature Sensors
What for?
8.5.) Light Barriers
You mean like a laser-wall?
9.) Programming within the Logical Network (using Sensors)
9.1.) Logic Gates
9.1.1.) AND
9.1.2.) NAND
9.1.3.) OR
9.1.4.) XOR
9.1.5.) NOR
9.1.6.) XNOR
9.1.7.) NOT
9.2.) ...
Maybe a micro LUA API in-game would be nice. Request items, provide items, measure items, custom conditions, send robots somewhere, build something somewhere, switch machines off, etc.
10.1.) Endless Science (e.g. +1% Productivity per researched Sciencestep and Research-Cost-Duplication)
It would be nice, on end-game.

11.1.) Manganese-Nodules-Farming (for Chemical Industry & Energy Production)
11.2.) Oil-Drilling at Sea
Yes. But first, we would need to be able to swim :P
12.) Assambly Belts
12.1.) Improvements
12.1.1.) Assembly Belt Bridges
12.1.2.) Intelligent Assambly Belt Points (e.g. for Sorting)
12.2.) Trifarious Belts (where the middle row can only be filled through Intelligent Assambly Belt Points)
12.3.) ...
I'm not sure if I understand. Seems overly complicated.
13.) Pipes
13.1.) Switchable Pipes (not always making connections to all nearby pipes)
13.2.) Valves
13.3.) ...
I would rather see the ability to place pipes next to each other without connecting them.
14.) Recycling
14.1.) Disassambling of Machines, Grabbers, etc.
14.2.) ...
Yes, I would like that, but it would have very few limited applications. In what situation would you want to recycle something? Maybe if we had a colony, and we had to manage wastes.
15.) Player
15.1.) Option in Inventory to allow functioning as a Provider-Chest
15.2.) ...
Ah, yes, I just created a post with that 20 minutes ago, that would be more practical than putting down a chest, and placing your items there.
16.) Terrain
16.1.) Rivers (for the Hydroelectric Power Plants)
16.2.) Hills (for the Wind Power Plants)
16.3.) Canyons (where maybe the first Underground-Layer & the Underground-Belt can be seen)
16.4.) Mountains
16.5.) Swamp
16.6.) Tundra
16.7.) Ice
16.8.) ...
I think anything that changes the height would be tricky to implement.
17.1.) Radiation
Why not. Just a constant damage on a radiation-zone. But again you already have a protective suit. So kind of pointless.
17.2.) Nutrition (& Farms)
17.3.) Clothing (& Leather)
With a colony, food, yes. Clothing seems to be pointless.
17.4.) Weather- & Temperature-Effects
17.5.) Androids
Yes, yes. Ground logistic robots. And ground battle robots.
17.6.) AI-Players (friendly and hostile)
You are supposed to be colonizing a planet, there is no one there! Although it would be interesting I guess.
17.7.) More Chemical Industry

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:24 am
by Jouko
I really like the idea of sensors and stuff like that! :D
Also farming sounds great, but the other stuff... not so good.

For example, I really don't want more ores.
I like factorio because you don't need many "raw resources". It isn't a horrible idea after all, but I prefer only few ores.

Good ideas, but too many of them.

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:50 pm
by ysor123
Leon713 wrote:First and foremost:
4.5.) Chrome (for Leather-Production & Chemical Industry)
* and web ^^

Re: 17+ IDEAS to make FACTORIO an even more AWESOME game!

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:42 pm
by Drury
Leon713 wrote:Rape