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Possible way to control a train's next station.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:50 pm
by svalorzen
There are multiple suggestions on how to possibly operate trains via the circuit networks. Controlling signals directly, disabling train stops (now in 0.15), controlling ways to skip stations (such as the Control Train Pathfinder (Passthru stations, Add Penalty) post).

An option that I haven't seen discussed anywhere (although I admit I have seen sporadic posts mentioning the possibility but without any in-depth discussion) would be to use the circuit network to directly send to a train its next train stop.

This would work like this:

- Train stops would allow to be associated to a single signal+number (just as they are assigned names - they need not be unique).
- Train stops would also take input. If a train has stopped at the station, the input would be used as the train's next stop.
- The train would depart as soon as the signal is received. Delays can be constructed with timers and so on. If there is no match with any train stop, the train would not move. If multiple inputs are received, either the train would not move or it would pick one at random.

Additionally, since 0.15, a train can send its contents to the circuit network. However, if a train was also able to send a single specific signal+number, this could be used by the circuit network to discriminate between different trains and treat them differently. This would allow for calling idle trains to specific stations without the need for complex signal handling.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, since I believe such a system could easily substitute the manual settings we have now. Simple routes could be very easily implemented via circuit networks, and would definitely be a way to initiate players to the circuit network - which normally is not required for gameplay, just for advanced fancy creations.

Re: Possible way to control a train's next station.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 10:50 pm
by MrLemon
I've been looking for a way to control trains using the circuit network, ideally to make trains behave similar to the logistics system, i know there are some mods that already do this, and even some updates in vanilla that improve control, the problem i have with the vanilla and mods like smart trains is it still requires setting a route, where logistics responds more dynamically to requests, the mod that is closest is logistics train network, but that allows, or requires, messages to be sent through some magical ether (radio?) unlike a logistics network which at least requires roboports to be close enough to connect with each other.

what i've been thinking is:
train stops broadcast an id to the circuit network, an int reference into a table of station names - string type names for humans, int types for a circuit network already using ints.
circuit networks can pass circuit network signals to a train via a train stop to control its behaviour: manual/automatic; clear schedule; station id/wait condition pairs (two separate signals sent at the same time).

this provides something similar to what you're suggesting but opens up the possibilities for further automation, like one station requesting a resource over a circuit network a second responding with a supply of that resource and a third dispatching a train. the downside of this setup as a player would be having to run a circuit network to each station you want to include in this logistic train network, also having many stations active on the same network would add complexity, multiplexing can only go so far, has any one come up with a something like a LAN switch using combinators?

Re: Possible way to control a train's next station.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 3:32 pm
by ssilk
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=30189 Ideas Around Conncetion of Railway and Circuits