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Rocket payloads

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:14 pm
by r0nalxd
With the new rocket mechanics coming to 0.15, I wanted to share some possibilities for loading the rocket beside for science: radar, nukes and communications (logistic and circuit).

V453000 wrote: in fff-187: Of course we also added support for mods, so you can define what do you get from sending a rocket, and depending on what you put in the rocket - say, if you put a tank into the rocket, you receive 100 raw fish, because that would make perfect sense.

We can build up on this concept in the future, but for now this already brings a lot of sense to the game as it is.
I would like to suggest some possibilities to what you load into the rocket and what you get in return. Some of my most anticipated ideas:
  • Load a radar.. 42445
    Reveal a larger map area, more radar satellites launched = more coverage. Beacons determine where the satellite is aimed at. Maybe add a flight centre to control satellite position eventually?
  • Load (a) nuclear missile(s). 42744
    Yes, we got nuclear warheads in 0.15, now I want to load them into a rocket and launch it as an ICBM.
    Or load the nukes into a nuclear orbital space platform (NOSP) and launch the missiles from orbit. :twisted:
    Laser designator shows target range much like grenade and shown ammo is missiles left in NOSP/ICBM.
  • Load a satellite.
    Yes, I know this is supposed to send data to your rocket silo and turn it into space/rocket science, but hear me out. Satellites are for communications right? So what if you could opt a roboport in or out of a satellite enabled logistics network? The same can be said for the circuit network, satellite dishes on the ground can be connected to satellite #1, much like circuit network #1. Red and green wire can be connected to the satellite dishes to transmit the data locally.
  • Load a lab
    This takes over the role of sending the satellite up to receive space/rocket science.
To compensate for the decrease in cost (e.g. by loading the rocket with a lab) the rocket should have two slots: into the 1st slot goes the loading bay (couldn't find a better name for it atm) and in the second goes one of the above.
The loading bay will have similar material costs as the satellite, while the satellite will have reduced costs.
All second slot options only determine the purpose of the rocket and not necessarily the costs.

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AMAZING job by the developers, really, thank you so much for your hard work :o
YES I wrote this to fill time until the beta release. :D
YES please share your thoughts and additions to my ideas. :D
YES link me to other threads that have elaborated further on these ideas :)
YES please link me mods that do these things, when I'm done playing 0.15 vanilla I will take a look at them. :)
YES please suggest a better name for the loading bay. :?
NO you don't have to remind me that it's not Tuesday yet. :cry:

Re: Rocket payloads

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:25 pm
by ssilk
Hm, for the radar and missiles there are already some mods: Orbital Ion Cannon, Satellite Radar...