Lever and Button
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:25 pm
1. Lever
It can bee connected to the circiut network. In the GUI you can set output signal. When lever has been switched the signal is 1.
Lever is off --> signal is 0
Lever is on --> signal is 1
2. Button
It can bee connected to the circiut network. In the GUI you can set output signal. When button has been pressed signla is 1 for 2 seconds.
Button is not pressed --> signal is 0
Button is pressed --> signal is 1 for 2 seconds
Unlock when you complete research "Circuit Network".
Slovakia Language
Lever --> Páka
Button --> Tlačidlo
Please add this to the game. It was very usefull for circuit network.
It can bee connected to the circiut network. In the GUI you can set output signal. When lever has been switched the signal is 1.
Lever is off --> signal is 0
Lever is on --> signal is 1
2. Button
It can bee connected to the circiut network. In the GUI you can set output signal. When button has been pressed signla is 1 for 2 seconds.
Button is not pressed --> signal is 0
Button is pressed --> signal is 1 for 2 seconds
Unlock when you complete research "Circuit Network".
Slovakia Language
Lever --> Páka
Button --> Tlačidlo
Please add this to the game. It was very usefull for circuit network.