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Construction robots place concrete/flooring last

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:52 pm
by WhyYesItsSky
I blueprint in my solar panels/accumulators, often thousands at a time, and just leave my bots to build them. However I have concrete paths that run in-between the panels every 50 tiles or so, and it really slows the process down when they build the concrete paths at the same time as the panels etc, when arguably they are more important in the blueprint than the concrete is.

Rather than placing a blueprint of just the panels/accumulators, then going back once the work is done to place the blueprint for the paths, it'd be much more convenient if construction bots would place production entities etc first, then go back and place decorative entities like concrete, lights etc afterwards.

This would also speed construction up as it seems that when a robot can't find the item it needs, it waits until its available rather than skipping over to another item (or if it does, it seems to take a long time to cycle through)

Obligatory: Apologies if this has already been suggested. I checked the "frequently suggested" list and couldn't see it.

Re: Construction robots place concrete/flooring last

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:27 pm
by Silba
Had someone cover my whole base in concrete lol used up all my available bots so factory production went to 0. Eventually power went out and we got overrun. I tried multiple times for hours to save my base but eventually gave up and started new with proper autosave timing lol.

+1 for this suggestion. Smart bots !! Maybe a config ui for them so you can choose what to prioritise and when etc

Re: Construction robots place concrete/flooring last

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:43 pm
by fregate84
Agree to move the build of title to low priority