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Replace items automaticly

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:51 pm
by race-dot

don't know whether this was considered before, but what about the possibility to change items (belts, factories, ...) automaticly?

example: one yellow belt surrounds my entire base (behind the walls) to feed the gun turrets with ammunition. Now that the aliens attack my base every two or three seconds, the yellow belt isn't fast enough in some situations. Red belts would be better. It would help a lot if I could change the yellow belts into red belts just by giving an order to my robots. To do this manually would take ages. Same (but not that complex) is to change grey factories to blue or blue to yellow. Yellow inserters to blue, ...

It could work like this: You press a button and a small window pops up. There you can choose what item "X" has to be replaced by the item "Y". In the next step you can choose if you want to replace all items in your base (e.g. change all yellow belts to red belts) or if you just want to change the items in a certain area (could work like the deconstruction tool for robots). ;)

Re: Replace items automaticly

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:07 pm
by realm174
I'm not sure that changing a specific item throughout the entire factory is such a good idea. There is a mod (Upgrade planner) that does something very similar to what you're asking, but on selected area instead. And on many occasions, I've done an upgrade on an area where it changed something I actually didn't want to. Thankfully that was a smaller area so it didn't take much time to fix, but if it had done it on the entire base, it would have taken me longer to fix it than to upgrade by hand.

Re: Replace items automaticly

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:39 am
by race-dot
I may be wrong but that sounds a bit like that this mod didn't do exactly what it was designed for. But if there is a mod for this, then other players have the same wish/ idea I had. :)
Perhaps 0.15 will bring some changes in that direction

Re: Replace items automaticly

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:36 pm
by darkfrei

Re: Replace items automaticly

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:17 pm
by ssilk
Definitely a suggestion.... moved...