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Less Co-Op Multiplayer Features for Fresh Vanilla Games.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:06 pm
by StoneLegion
Right now as far as I know you are Co-Op and on a team and start at the same spot. This is of course how multiplayer is right now.

What I always due via Lua Commands:

Code: Select all

/c game.create_force('force 1'); game.create_force('force 2'); game.create_force('force 3'); game.create_force('force 4'); game.forces['force 1'].set_cease_fire('force 2', true); game.forces['force 1'].set_cease_fire('force 3', true); game.forces['force 1'].set_cease_fire('force 4', true); game.forces['force 2'].set_cease_fire('force 1', true); game.forces['force 2'].set_cease_fire('force 3', true); game.forces['force 2'].set_cease_fire('force 4', true); game.forces['force 3'].set_cease_fire('force 1', true); game.forces['force 3'].set_cease_fire('force 2', true); game.forces['force 3'].set_cease_fire('force 4', true); game.forces['force 4'].set_cease_fire('force 1', true); game.forces['force 4'].set_cease_fire('force 2', true); game.forces['force 4'].set_cease_fire('force 3', true)  
Then for each person:

Code: Select all

/c game.players['Kane_Hart'].force = game.forces['force 1']
/c game.players['ElectroBot'].force = game.forces['force 2']
And so on.

I like to see something more like this added to the base game. Reason is in 15 and 16 and 14 now, etc. I can't earn achievements even though I am playing legit wise but I use a command it breaks it. Then of course Modded achievements break due to using a command... Yeah sure let us install cheat mods and its fine but use a simple command to switch forces and be punished hehe.

I also like to see more Multiplayer Features like being able to maybe more friendly forces vs forces features but still being on separate forces for trusted friends and such.

Either way I hope more features with forces being built into the game rather using lua commands / mods will be a thing in the future :)

Re: Less Co-Op Multiplayer Features for Fresh Vanilla Games.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:20 pm
by ssilk
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=32968 Collection of Of Ideas around Multiplayer: Lobby-Features, Joining, Mod&Game-Loading, ...

Re: Less Co-Op Multiplayer Features for Fresh Vanilla Games.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:14 pm
by StoneLegion
Thanks mate :)