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Robports marked for deconstruction should stop charging them

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:50 pm
by ichVII
As written above, a roboport should stop charging itself once it gets marked for deconstruction.

This would make it possible to deconstruct a roboport based base, which is still connected to power. Im having an issue with this (bots Standing still at the roboport). As most People place the roboport in the middle of such a base it might not be a General Problem, but if you expand a wal with bots, this Problem can appear.

Re: Robports marked for deconstruction should stop charging them

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:22 am
by DaveMcW
Roboports have a large internal battery, that is not your problem.

The problem is the roboport's construction area disappears when it is marked for deconstruction.

Re: Robports marked for deconstruction should stop charging them

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:03 am
by ssilk
The best idea we (the community) currently have are construction and deconstruction priorities. For construction for example first the poles, then roboports, assemblies, inserters, belts... for deconstruction the power and roboports at last.

Re: Robports marked for deconstruction should stop charging them

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:56 am
by ichVII
None of those would fix my Problem, as the robport is connected to the power net and only looses ist construction range if the internal puffer reaches Zero, not when ist marked for deconstruction (at least with the mods im playing, i do not know if this is true in vanilla). As my roboport is marked for deconstruction, but still has power it still thinks ist operating. But as everything else has been taken down, there is no storage left to this System. Hence robots, who are supposed to go to the next roboport just stand there and wait+recharge all over.

Re: Robports marked for deconstruction should stop charging them

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:12 pm
by ssilk
ichVII wrote:None of those would fix my Problem, as the robport is connected to the power net and only looses ist construction range if the internal puffer reaches Zero, not when ist marked for deconstruction
Obvious reasons: If it would loose it's construction range it would loose also it's deconstruction range and would not be able to deconstruct all the other roboports you eventually marked for deconstruction. :)
(at least with the mods im playing, i do not know if this is true in vanilla). As my roboport is marked for deconstruction, but still has power it still thinks ist operating. But as everything else has been taken down, there is no storage left to this System. Hence robots, who are supposed to go to the next roboport just stand there and wait+recharge all over.
Well, I thought also some hours over this problem (played through several solutions), but I didn't found a good idea with the current game mechanics and how it is implemented in detail. But many discussions about this and maybe with the next one I will make a link-collection around this.
For example: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=41746 Special consturction bots for personal roboport

And I think we as community come here to limits to make a useful suggestion and should instead point to this isssue, that it should be fixed somehow. :)