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The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:24 am
by Zapper
So while the developpers are currently working on the Nuclear implementation and the rest of the stuff in the game, I was thinking of several things concerning the "nuclear" itself :

- It may be an annoying thing to handle for those who wants to optimize the production in this game, but wouldn't there be nuclear waste ? If you want, maybe the nuclear waste can be usable for another thing...

- The nuclear waste may lead to another thing to considerate possible to produce : Nuclear weapons ! I haven't found a lot of people to actually think about it... Or maybe yes, but I haven't found it on the forum... Anyway, nuclear weapons can be a thing that you can use... but it would maybe have some balances, and "special steps" to use it, like using a rocket as a nuclear weapon... Because I don't think it would be "tiny" nuclear weapons anyway... And it would be an OverPowered weapon, so it would be fair...

This is one suggestion anyway, it can be modified when thinking of it...

I'm mostly saying that because it would be a little bit of waste using the Uranium ore ONLY for the nuclear reactor and nothing else...

Re: The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:25 am
by Hannu
There could be advanced reactor which would be unstable. For example it could have temperature and energy production proportional to it. If cooling were too high, reactor would cool and lose power and if cooling were too low, big bang. Player should build some kind of negative feedback loop by using combinators to adjust temperature to stay on safe and efficient range.

It would be complicated, but there would be much options for those who do not want to learn basics of PID control. If there will be difficulty options, that would be naturally only in "pro hardcore micromanagement grind for nerds without lifes and unemployed automation engineers" -level. Many players copy optimal structures from internet already. I am sure that there would be soon optimal solutions as blueprints. And there should be efficient enough basic reactor with simple logic. Mod could also be very relevant option, if modding interface of the reactor allowed modeling of temperature and power behavior.

Re: The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:29 am
by deepdriller
Well, in reality, when you have radioactive waste, you either recycle or bury it.
For nuclear weapons, it's completely unusable; you need enriched uranium for that.
That said, the uranium enrichment process creates depleted uranium, which is barely radioactive. You could put it in a breeder reactor, which would gain some amount of energy, but you'll probably want to turn it into superheavy bullets.

Re: The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:12 am
by Hannu
There are not much realistic like recipes for nuclear waste. It could be very polluting and need special storing and transporting means to avoid pollution (super expensive containers and warehouses), but I think that most players would just whine about micromanaging. They are also against severe large area pollution damage which force to begin a new base. It would probably need new pollution mechanics in which very high pollution affects to player and his machines. I would like it, but I suspect that devs will not change it at this phase of the development. I would put costs and complexity to uranium enriching instead of waste handling if significant changes in pollution physics are not possible.

I would like also nuclear weapons. They would be fun in megabase phase when player have almost infinite resources and he is practically invincible with his power armor and equipment. Then clearing of square kilometers are just boring grinding which takes hours. There could be way to extract plutonium from used nuclear fuel and refine it to bombs through complex and expensive fabrication chain.

Re: The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:40 am
by ukezi
deepdriller wrote: For nuclear weapons, it's completely unusable; you need enriched uranium for that.
Only for Little Boy type nukes. Most nukes are, like Fat Man, plutonium bombs and that you get as a byproduct of nuclear fission.

Re: The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:03 am
by ssilk
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=31440 Ideas Around Energy Production: Solar, Wind, Water, Nuclear, Fusion ...

Re: The Nuclear related stuff that can be done...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:37 pm
by Cordylus
According to the translation strings devs are planning to add: uranium ore, two types of uranium, uranium fuel cells, depleted uranium fuel cells, uranium rounds, uranium cannon shells and... Atomic bombs!