Laser Mining Drill
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:40 pm
As we can research higher tier turrets, I think we could also research higher tier mining systems.
1. A Laser Mining Drill would still require electricity, but would be built of higher materials, such as from plastic and/or batteries. Some Tech would also be required to research it - maybe both Science Pack I and II could do it.
2. Their mining speed would be higher than the Electric Mining Drill's.
3. Also, as the developers are adding a research to make Electric Mining Drills faster - I think there could be a tech of similar kind for the Laser Mining Drill as well.
4. No comment on sizes and other visuals of the object, as long as one sees clearly it uses laser (such as Laser Turrets shoot laser). The Laser Mining Drill could also develop higher pollution than the Electric Mining Drill (unless using laser doesn't create [that much] pollution in real life).
1. A Laser Mining Drill would still require electricity, but would be built of higher materials, such as from plastic and/or batteries. Some Tech would also be required to research it - maybe both Science Pack I and II could do it.
2. Their mining speed would be higher than the Electric Mining Drill's.
3. Also, as the developers are adding a research to make Electric Mining Drills faster - I think there could be a tech of similar kind for the Laser Mining Drill as well.
4. No comment on sizes and other visuals of the object, as long as one sees clearly it uses laser (such as Laser Turrets shoot laser). The Laser Mining Drill could also develop higher pollution than the Electric Mining Drill (unless using laser doesn't create [that much] pollution in real life).