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Unified "<escape>"/"q" key

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:43 pm
by Freaky

as a new Factorio Player, I often find it confusing/irritating that I sometimes have to use '<escape>' and other times 'q' to close a window or deselect the current selected item.

Also hitting <escape> when no window is open, it will display the game-menu.

It would be very helpful to have <escape> follow the following rules:

1. close current open window
2. if there is no window open, deselect the currently selected item on the mouse-cursor.

At the moment it is very frustrating.. even after playing Factorio for over 50 hours, I often hit the wrong key.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Unified "<escape>"/"q" key

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:19 am
by ssilk
Closing window is with the same key you open. Opening inventory with E, closing with E. Open Map with M, close map with M. And so on. Electricity is not following this rule to obvious reasons.

I do often this: I craft while walking, then select items while walking and build them, also while walking around. And now you need a key to deselect the item, but not close inventory. I know no other game, where you can do that so...

So, from my sight: Using q to close windows: hmmm, not so useful...

Re: Unified "<escape>"/"q" key

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:22 am
by Deadly-Bagel
I'll admit the controls are a bit confusing to get your head around, but after a little while you get used to how they work and maybe reassign them. For example I moved inventory open/close and rotate entity to buttons on the side of my mouse. It's surprisingly convenient and frees up R for Research and E for Enter/Exit Vehicle.

And yes I use Q with my inventory open frequently, eg I might pick up an item and realise I don't need it, or maybe I was holding it before opening my inventory, so just Q to send it back to the hotbar or wherever. Using that to close windows is not such a good idea.

From memory I think the Inventory button closes most windows, including Research but not the Map.