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Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:58 pm
by Akiramenai
Playable underground layer similar to what Earth RTS 2150 had.

- Digging and building underground factory base is fun.
- Option to do custom underground pipe, electric wiring and underground belt design other than having them in a straight path as of now.
- Underground natives (something like the current worms, or them gaining mobility).
- Defending a breach and fixing a cave-in or reinforcing the underground passage with steal frames and constructions to reinforce base
- Exploit planet's resources unnoticed by the bitters from below.
- Thermal energy!
- Relay stations
- Underground buildings, tech & vehicle
- Hey, maybe even new resource or two

Re: Underground

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:04 pm
by Tym
2nd'ing the idea.

Much of today's infrastructure is routed below ground, such as piping, electrical/cable/fiber, steam, water, etc.

an approach would be a cut-and-cover methodology: allow the ability to cut a trench, then lay underground-capable entities (as differentiated from 'standard'), then use a new category of concrete block to cover the trench afterwards.

Re: Underground

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:12 am
by vtx