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Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:49 am
by Lankster
Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes

Character Bag Size: 60

Chest Sizes:16 Wood
Chest Sizes:32 Iron
Chest Sizes:48 Steel

The Character Bag Size should not be any larger then the largest bag size.
Setting the Character Bag Size to 50 and the Chest (steel) to 50 leaves the bottom row to add in other commands and options. This way you can transfer goods to the bag and never have more then whats in your Character bag to the large chest. Its a one to one transfer (full bag in and out).

New bag sides that work with menu layouts.
Bag size 16 to 20
Bag size 32 to 40
bag size 48 to 50
10 spaces on the bottom of bags (Character bag/ Inventory bag) is used for other options like a easy Delete system. The limits of the bag and so on..

The known "X" would drop down to the lower 10 spot or option area as I call it.

It makes the bags more uniformed, clean and opens new options within the storage and transferring of goods.

Next, the train inventory size needs to be changed. (with the above scale)
Cargo wagon inventory size from 40 to 100 (a train should move twice, or three times what we can (>150)) The train inventory size from 40 to 120 in the current mode of size.

Terms of calling things should best be called what they are for lack of confusion as I see this happening a lot in the game.

Inventory/Character (E) Should be known as "Character Inventory". It changes name mattering on what you click on.

Moving items from Inventory to a chest should have a button → to move all to a chest.

Re: Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:05 am
by bobingabout
I think those chest sizes are basically a remnant of when everything quantity and storage was based on a multiple of 2.

For example, Coal stacks to 64, copper wires to 128, etc. These numbers were rounded to the rounded decimal simple logarithmic 3 point scale in version 0.10. (The scale I'm talking about is the one that goes 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc.)

Chests existed back then, so used the old system (in this case, looks like 1x, 2x and 3x of 16) and haven't changed as far back as I've been playing the game.

In contrast, the cargo wagon (Which has 8 or 10 slots back then, not sure) has had it's cargo space increased multiple times, which is a good reason why it is in the new system.

Not sure why the player and car have always had these strangely decimal sizes though.

Also, I'm against making the cargo wagon bigger. but this is mostly for personal reasons, IE, my mods. I have MK2 and MK3, and part of what makes them better is more space, so if you're presented with a screen filling inventory for the base vehicle, people would actually hate me for making them bigger.

What I think is needed instead is smaller player and car/tank inventory. The player inventory can be upgraded with research to compensate. (Or should be able to be, the function does exist even if the technology currently does not)

Re: Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:20 am
by Deadly-Bagel
Don't forget Power Armour increases inventory size too, never used to do that and we got along okay. If they make robots available sooner as Kovarex suggested we will hopefully get an earlier Modular Armour which boosts inventory size (I think, it could be made to if not).

With that the personal inventory could stand to be nerfed, but what really needs hitting is chest capacity. Something like 10 slots in a Wooden Chest, 20 in an Iron Chest, and make Steel Chests 2x2 with 40 or 60 slots or something. It sounds like steel chests have less storage per tile but you need fewer inserters to interact with it so it's actually quite efficient in many circumstances. Anyway this would create a meaningful difference between Iron and Steel chests (as I tend to skip Iron), and Inserters would be able to move things odd distances such as between two trains side-by-side.

Re: Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:56 pm
by bobingabout
Lankster wrote:Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes
Character Bag Size and Chest Sizes.
Character ... Chest Sizes.
Character Breast Sizes.

Perhaps I should mod in a Bra.