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Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:50 am
by thuejk
Per default, the "show info" toggle is bound to ALT in the control settings. However, this means that every time you ALT-TAB out of a game, which is a very common thing to do when e.g. simultaneously consulting the Wiki, "show info" in unintentionally toggled.

This seems very suboptimal to me. The keyboard is full of keys, why not pick one which will not do unintentional double duty? I have personally rebound it to TAB, but I think the default should be changed.

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:33 pm
by Xeanoa
Never noticed this issue because I always click out of the game window, and never Alt+Tab. Those who do can easily change the keybinding while optimising them to their own preferences, so I don't see much need to change the default. Neither would I mind if it did, though.

I would like to see some different change instead. I always play with 'show info' on by default, and only occasionally turn it off if I need to see something that's hidden by the information overlay.
I assume most players have one default that's always on, and only briefly switch to the alternate view occasionally. Therefore, I would like to see one key (e.g. Tab as proposed by the OP) as a toggle, and the alt-key change into a hold-to-show/hide.

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:00 pm
by Nexela
First thing I do is change -change weapon- to tab, and -detailed info- to F1 and all is right in the world after that.

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:13 pm
by thuejk
Nexela wrote:First thing I do is change -change weapon- to tab, and -detailed info- to F1 and all is right in the world after that.
Yeah, having q do double-duty as change weapon is horrible design. You press q all the time; do it once too many by accident, and the next time you defend against biters you use your flamethrower instead of submachine gun, and burn down half your base.

F1 would be a fine key for detailed info. You generally only need to hit it once per game, so it doesn't need to be reachable from the wasd home position.

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:38 am
by Xeanoa
Nexela wrote:First thing I do is change -change weapon- to tab, and -detailed info- to F1 and all is right in the world after that.
I hate having rotate and research beside each other. So often I messed up a belt because I hit R instead of T. So Rotate moved to Q, Research to R, and drop item in hand/change weapon to Mouse 4.

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:36 am
by Deadly-Bagel
I've got open inventory and rotate on my mouse, tab to change weapon, R for research, E to enter vehicle, left Q and Alt as-is. I also remapped the floor painter size to Ctrl+Mousewheel.

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:36 pm
by bobingabout
I have to say, I hate Q as toggle weapon too. press it so many times, then when you go to shoot something, it's like... what the heck am I shooting with that for?

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:10 pm
by Klonan
Nexela wrote:First thing I do is change -change weapon- to tab, and -detailed info- to F1 and all is right in the world after that.
bobingabout wrote:I have to say, I hate Q as toggle weapon too. press it so many times, then when you go to shoot something, it's like... what the heck am I shooting with that for?
Tab is the default key for 'switch-weapon' in 0.15 (won't affect current configs)

Re: Prevent accidentally ALT-toggling "show info"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:05 pm
by ssilk
Klonan wrote:Tab is the default key for 'switch-weapon' in 0.15 (won't affect current configs)

Luckily we can change that in the configs....