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Logistic chest rework

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:28 am
by vorax
Something I find anoying is the four different kinds of logistic chests. Anytime I'm building something moderately complicated I have to carefully count out how many of each kind of logistic chest I will need. If I don't I'm either crafting them on the fly, which is inefficient, or I'll make too many and then end up using several inventory slots with just a couple of each kind of logistic chest.

I think it would be way better to have only one kind of logistic chest that could be adjusted to perform the different operations. It would probably be best if the chest could be adjusted within the GUI that already pops up when the chest is opened.

I can't see any downside to doing it this way, sure you may have to do an extra click when the chest is placed to get it to be set up the way you need, but that would be easier then the current mess of having to open the crafting menu to find and craft the specific chest you needed this time. It also would hardly be any more anoying to place down many chests at one time since one could simply use the shift clicking technique used for assemblers and the circuit network.

On the whole this would just make the logistics chests more versatile.

Re: Logistic chest rework

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:56 am
by hansinator
I agree.

Re: Logistic chest rework

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:02 pm
by Rseding91
That's by design and part of the logistics puzzle that makes the game fun.

If every time we just took 3-4 pieces of the puzzle and merged them into 1 in the end you end up with a super boring game that mostly plays itself.

Re: Logistic chest rework

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:25 am
by TheUnknown007
The logistic challenge is how you set up the chests, not how you get them there in your inventory.

Re: Logistic chest rework

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:30 am
by MeduSalem
Basically I suggested something similar over here in the Unified Logistic Chests thread quite a while ago.

Rseding91 wrote:That's by design and part of the logistics puzzle that makes the game fun.

If every time we just took 3-4 pieces of the puzzle and merged them into 1 in the end you end up with a super boring game that mostly plays itself.
I think you somewhat missed the point... vorax didn't suggest removing the puzzle-effect of Logistic Chests from the game.

Instead vorax suggested slipstreaming the 4 different chest items into one item and having to select how the chest behaves individually... Like placing the Chest and then going inside the Chest Menu and selecting from the list "Requester Chest" or "Passive Provider Chest" or "Active Provider Chest" or "Storage Chest" with radio buttons or something.

So it would only reduce the amount of items, but not the functionallity or puzzle gameplay.

Re: Logistic chest rework

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:08 pm
by BenSeidel
This has already been implemented as a mod. ... stic_Chest

Re: Logistic chest rework

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:40 pm
by aober93
Try the larger inventory mod. Its not ideal since it enlarges the inventory in the early game (100%) more than in late game (66%), where actually it should be the other way around. But at least its something. Its especially useful in late game, long after the first rocket, where you enter the experimental freeplay stage.
But who thought that for some the solution can be to reduce item variation :lol: