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RSI reduction / save my hands

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:30 am
by voltagex
Two suggestions for this (yes I know about the one idea per thread rule):

* Allow a keyboard shortcut for use/dig/whatever instead of click-and-hold

* Allow toggle-to-dig instead of click and hold

* Reduce the amount of time needed to mine resources

Can you tell I don't like click-and-hold? It hurts.

Re: RSI reduction / save my hands

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:49 pm
by daniel34
In Factorio you don't need to mine resources past the first 5-15 minutes of the game. The goal is to automate everything in your factory, so just put a mining drill and a chest down. Trees are an exception to this (until you have bots), but you usually only mine them because they're in your way, and there you'll need the mouse to move the cursor to the next tree anyway.

In Options --> Controls you can change the keybindings for mine and build to be keyboard keys instead of mouse keys.

You can reduce the time needed to mine resources (and buildings) by equipping a steel axe instead of the iron axe.

Here's a small AutoHotkey script you can use to toggle left- and right-mouse-button with J and K on the keyboard:

Code: Select all

k::Send % "{Click " . ( GetKeyState("RButton") ? "Up r}" : "Down r}" )
j::Send % "{Click " . ( GetKeyState("LButton") ? "Up l}" : "Down l}" )