When I read this I suddenly had a picture in my mind.
I need to make some kind of short introduction first.
We are in the world of electronic music instruments. 1980/90s or so. This
is nothing else, than a device that sends standadized signals on a bus, when I press a key on that instruments.
That's the basic function:
No sound at all, but some electric change on a cable.
sound comes from the
... a file format and associated technology that uses sample-based synthesis to play MIDI files. It was first used on the Sound Blaster AWE32 sound card for its General MIDI support.
But stop!! I do not compare SoundFonts with Blueprints! No! I compare
one sound of the SoundFont with one Blueprint.
A SoundFont would be in Factorio a compilation of Blueprint, that matches together and can be blended one into another.
The difference between a sound and an instrument
Before SoundFonts you could play in many instruments only one sample for all keys of the keyboard. Such samples still exist, some very basic sounds, especially bass-sounds, play perfectly over one, two maybe three octaves. But with the time this was too less, a piano for example plays many different sounds along the keyboard.
Soundfonts where born due to the need to use different soundfiles along the keys of the keyboard. You can test that here:
Play notes by clicking into the sequencer and you can hear of course different sounds in different pitches, but when you hear exactly you can hear, that nearby notes have different samples. Best example is, when you switch the SoundFont to "Percussion". And what you can also hear eventually, is that the percussion instruments match nice together.
I see Blueprints equally. And perhaps it's a bit difficult to see the equivalence. So I try my best:
Type One: we have single blueprints. That are like SoundFonts containing only one sample, that is played in different pitches.
There is not much to say about this: There is a blueprint of a castle. If you place it you will have a castle.
Type Two is then layering of blueprints. Blueprints Layers. Such blueprints can be overlayed to build something. For exampke, you have a blueprint of the walls of the castle. If you place that, you have the borders of a castle, but nothing inside. To fill the castle, we have different blueprints. Like for the types of weapons you want to place, more lasers or more gun-turrets for example. The equivalent in SoundFonts are layered sounds; sound that contains two or more samples and when you play the lower sounds it is more the first sample, while in the upper sounds it's more the second.
viewtopic.php?f=204&t=8377 Modular Extensible PnP Factory
Or (bad) example:
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=35529 CELLS - grid modules Prototype
The point of these types of blueprints is, that you have a container, something, where you can put things into in a fixed format, limited by the borders of the previous blueprint.
Type Three, is, where we can plug more things together: I call it
"Blueprint Domino". That are blueprints that match together like Domino-Stones and you can build a "Line" out of them. Think to the current track laying: The path is made out of matching "track stone", that can be put together by simple rules.
The equivalence to the sample is for example a piano-SoundFont, which contains different samples, but when I press a key only one sample is played. See the link above. All samples together build an instrument. In blueprints that would be things like wall-elements or train stations, where different blueprints fit together. You don't place the castle, but you place the walls around the castle to define the castle.
viewtopic.php?f=194&t=28769 Track Junctions Blueprint String
And there are other forms of combinations. I wrote a long article about that:
viewtopic.php?f=80&t=37517 Blueprint-Mirroring, BP-Shifting, -Programming, -Iteration, -Editing, Ornaments and Recursion
So in the end, what counts is not the single blueprint. "Look, I have a blueprint, that creates a whole oil-production". That is useless (in the long terms), cause that will fit only for that special situation. Some longer pipes anywhere and it might not work anymore.
What's really useful are blueprints, that match together in some kind of rule (like explained above).
Cause that is also the point of the whole discussion: If there would be a blueprint portal, everyone would put only Type-One-blueprints on it. You can see what happens then: There are thousands and more sites, where you can upload single samples. Between type one blueprints and this, there is not much difference: Upload some data somewhere, add some properties and a description, make a picture.
What makes blueprints really interesting is, when you can combine them in a clever/complex way. But that needs to be supported by the game first.
Seen like so: A blueprint portal NOW is useless, cause it would be spammed. A blueprint portal that enables only to upload blueprints of the other types is much more useful.